A team holiday

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Ziva POV: Wow Gibbs is letting me decide what we do today. I spent most of last night trying to come up with some ideas. Eventually i decided that today we would do some sight seeing and spend a few hours at Disneyland in the afternoon.I've never been there before and the boys were excitedto go when they first mentioned it. Im not to keen on the crowds and all the little children hyped up on candy running around like headless penguines...no headless turkeys...cats...ooooh chicken, right headless chicken."well Ziva what are we doing today?" McGee asked walking into the room Tony and I are shareing "well McGee I think we will do some sightseeing first then go to Disneyland this afternoon" "OHMYGOSH Zi really! are we really going to Disneyland, with all the crowds and kids and theme park rides. I didnt think that was your thing" "No Tony its not but you and McGee really wanted to go and were talking about going before we left D.C. so yes we will be going to Disneyland" "well then lets go, what sights do you want to see first?" Gibbs asked. He appared out of know where and we all jumped when he spoke "Not sure Gibbs how about we find a map with tourist spots on it?" "Alright Ziver sounds good" Gibbs and I walkedd down to the lobby to find a broucher. We found one on the table under the sign that said tourist needs and information. We picked the first one up and went back up to the rooms. After spending 5 or so minutes looking through the broucher we settled on a bus tour that left from outside the hotel and went all around LA. Hopefully it would take most of the day so we wouldnt have to spending a whoooole afternoon at Disneyland. The tour bus was meant to arrive in 20minutes so we gathered our things and headed down to the lobby.

McGee POV: we had been waiting outside the hotel for 35minutes when i spoke up and suggested we go ask the lady at the front desk what was taking so long for the tour bus to arrive "Ziva you go ask" "Boss i cana do it" "No DiNozzo you will end up flirting with her and forget what your meant to ask" "It was my idea why dont I ask" "because you're not, Ziva is, now deal with it. The Both! of you" Ziva walked back inside with a smirk on her face and was back in a couple minutes "well Ziver what did she say" "she said that the tours have been cancelled for the day but wouldn't give an explanation as to why" "oh well now what do we do boss" Tony asked "up to you three i dont mind" "I dont mind what we do, its your day Ziva you decided" "well McGee i guess we should go to Disneyland now and do something else in the afternoon" It was getting close to midday and we hadnt had breakfast yet. My stomach was starting to growl and I was pretty hungry "well McNoisy sonds like your hungry" "I am can we find somewhere to eat" "sure McGee theres a nicce little cafe at the end of the street" we walked down to the cafe Ziva was talking about It was kind of cute and it wasnt very busy. The menu was written on a chalkboard outside of the cafe on the street. It had a few tables outside and a number of tables inside. We walked in and sat down at a table close to the massive window by the door. The waitress walked over and handed us each a menu to look at. There was so much to chose from. Bacon & eggs, bacon eggs & mushroom, chicken-ham paninis, sandwiches of all kinds, pancakes, hashbrowns, sausages spiced-regular. Coffee, latte, flat white, tea, orange juice, water etc. i didnt know what to chose but i was really really hungry so i ended up ordering Bacon eggs& mushrooms with 2 sausages-regular and a caramel latte. Tony and Gibbs both ordered bacon eggs mushroom and a hashbrown each with coffee while Ziva ordered pancakes, 3 hashbrowns bacon and mushroom with an orange juice. We also got a couple bottles of water for our table. while we were waiting for our food we talked about the highs and lows of this week.

Authors note: please comment on your thoughts i know its not very good but thanks for reading anyway :) xx

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