A team holiday

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McGee POV: dinner was nicer than I thought, we laughed a lot and ate 3 course meals. Ziva and Gibbs put a stop to any plans Tony and I have after the next couple days. Apparently they don't want to spend heaps of time at theme parks and museums so decided they would take charge if our days plans. Making sure to allow time for the things Tony and I really want to do. After dinner we walked back to the hotel, it is only a few blocks away. When we got to the hotel we went to our rooms and crashed on the beds to watch tv.

Gibbs POV: after letting Tony and Tim tell us what they wanted to do while we are in holiday Ziva and I decided to put our foot down and take over the planning. I love my boys but there is no way in hell I am walking round museums and going in search of movie stars homes. Ziva agreed so at dinner we told them that we would take over making sure to give each o the boys a day or two to do what they really wanted and then Ziva and I would do what we wanted. We walked back to the hotel after splitting the dinner bill and crashed on our beds. I could hear Ziva and Tony arguing over what to watch, "No Tony i do not want to watch this, why cant we find something like a comedy to watch?" "Well because Ziva i do not want to watch a comedy iiii want to watch a classic" "thats not fair Tony its not just you in this room" "to bad i have the remote and you dont" it made me laugh they were acting like such children it was the last thing I remember hearing before falling to sleep.

A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now