A team holiday

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Authors note: Im going to finish this part of A team holiday and start the sequel in a few days time. I know this ending pretty much sucks but i think it leaves me plenty of options for were to start the sequel :) There will be plenty of Tiva and we will find out what McGee decides, whether he will stay or go. Lots of talk about their holiday and we find out Abby's feeling of it all i mean after all she is a part of the team and she never got to go with them. Thank you so much for reading A team holiday. I have loved writing this story and promise the sequel will be even better...i hope. so here is the final part to A team holiday

McGee POV: " hey boss" "yeah" "do you really think we could do this again every few months or so" "yeah i do, we dont have to do a team thing, you could start taking time off to work on your writting" "yeah i guess i could" wow i never thought of that. "hey boss" "yes Tim" "what time are we leaving" "check out from here is at 11, check in at the airport is at 1 and the flight is at 3, why is that" "its just i havent bought anything for Abby yet" "oh well im sure you will have time to find something for her" "yeah hope so" we packed our bags in silence then when we finished we went down to the lobby. Of course because Tony is Tony he couldn't find a pair of socks and refused to leave without themso Gibbs let him stay in the room to find them and left Ziva too, much to her annoyance. "we will wait down in the lobby for you" Gibbs said to them. I helped him get our bags into the elevator, why we have so many bags im not even sure we have only been here a week and we are each taking an extra bag home. When Gibbs and I got down to the lobby we took all the bags out of the elevator and took them out to the rental car.

Tony POV: "were ar emy damn socks" "why is it so important you find this particular pair of socks i will buy you another pair if it means that much to you" "Zi they are the socks you bought me back from Israel the last time you went home" "what! you still have those, that was over 12 months ago" "of course i still have them, they are amazing socs and i dont want some stranger wearing them" "alright then have you looked in all the drawers" "yes" "how about the wardrobe" "yes" "the bathroom" "yes" "under the beds" "no!" Ziva got down on her hands and knees and i did the same. We checked under our beds. "found them" she said "ohmygosh! thank you thank you thank you" i said hugging her and kissing her cheek, she started to blush then stopped. "wow didnt realise how important they are to you" "Ziva everything you have given me over the years i have kept" "really?" she said smiling "yeah i do, i keep them in a drawer in my bedroom" "haha i have done the same things with what you have given me over the years" she quietly confessed. I've had a great week, especially last night with Ziva she's basically my bestfriend but i think im starting to have feelings for her. Its like I've seen her in a whole new way this week and i kinda like it. "hey Zi, I was thinking tonight you come round to my apartment and I'll cook for you" "really, you Anthony DiNozzo are going to cook me dinner, no take out, no fancy restaurant. A proper home cooked meal." "yes Ziva David i am going to cook you dinner" "wow alright i look forward to that" "we went down to the lobby where Gibbs was checking out. A moment or two later we were in the car headed to the airport. Headed home, back to work, back to dead marine's and petty officers, back to early mornings. Great, theres no place like home!

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