A team holiday

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Tony POV: McGee and i were seated next to each other for the duration of this flight we hadnt been in the air long when McGee started to annoye me with his stupid geek talk about stupid geek stuff he was going to show us when we arrived in California "NO WAY McGeek" "why not it would be fun" "because we're not, i am on this holiday to have fun not walk around stupid geek museums being bored" we heard Gibbs and Ziva talking, she sounded sad me being me i slapped McGee's arm to make him stop talking and listened into Gibbs and Ziva's conversation. i regretted that decision as soon as she mentioned her childhood and how she never had the chance to go on a family holiday, i shouldnt be listening to this if she wanted us all to know she would have said something to all of us. I stopped listening and put my headphones in to listen to the music on my iPod Abby had given everyone last christmas. 

McGee POV: Great i get to sit next to Tony, the one person on this flight i would rather not sit next to...well second person, Gibbs would be kind of awkward to sit next to come to think of it. "Tony while we are in California we should visit some museums like the science centre and the exploratorium" "NO WAY McGeek" "why not it would be fun" "because we're not. I am on this holiday to have fun not walk around stupid geek museums being bored" "we shall see" tony smacked my arm, i was just about to ask what that was for when he shushed me and pointed towards Gibbs and Ziva's seats in front of us. I wasnt very interested so i put my headphones in and feel asleep.

At the Airport

Gibbs POV: we arrived at the Airport and departed the plane within 5 or so minutes. It hadnt been a bad flight but i couldnt help but worry about Ziva since she started crying in her sleep, i was going to have to keep a close eye on her this week, closer than i normaly do. we made our way through the airport, collected our bags and walked ouside to catch a taxi to the hotel.

Ziva POV: i could feel Gibbs stareing at me and i knew this week i was going to have to accept that he was going to be watching me, making sure i am ok. i think i scared him a little when i started crying while i was asleep. We found our bags and headed outside to catch a taxi. i couldnt wait to get to the hotel, i felt yuck and needed a shower and to freshen up after the flight.

Tony POV: something happened between Gibbs and Ziva during the flight, Gibbs was watching Ziva pretty closely so i guessed he was worried about her. Usually i would be snooping around determined to find out what happened but after the short piece of their conversation i heard between them i decied against my normal antics and instead decided to wait for Gibbs to say something..

McGee POV: Somethings happened while we were in the air, i could tell because of the way Ziva and Gibbs were acting. I didnt think to much about it though, it is none of my business. I promised Abby i would phone her when we get to the hotel since she couldnt come with us because she still had other forensic work to do.

At the Hotel

Ziva POV: we walked into the hotel foyer and Gibbs went straight to the front desk to check us in. We were given two adjoining rooms each with two single beds, there was a bathroom in each room, a tv, a mini fridge and a coffee machine with paper cups and coffee. The wall paper was a plain cream colour and the bed spreads were a nice light brown, there was a wardrobe for our clothes and a phone between the beds on the night stand. The rooms werent very big but we didnt mind. Tony and I were to share a room and McGee and Gibbs were to share the other. "Tony when i say you and Ziva are shareing a room i do mean a room not a bed. Got it?" "Yes boss, that goes for you and McGoo too" Tony got a headslap for that Gibbs wasnt to impressed but he wasnt pissed he had a small smile on his face "what are we doing for the rest of the day?" Gibbs asked. "How about we go for a walk, we all could use the fresh air" "thats a good idea Ziva your right we could use some fresh air" McGee replyed "well thats settled then we are going for a walk hurry up and freshen up we leave in 20" i could tell it was going to take Gibbs a few days to get used to the idea of not being at work and being able to take things slow and just relax.

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