A team holiday

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Tony POV: I have this crazy warm feeling inside that's telling me my family is getting closer and closer and that this holiday is going to really change us for the better. Half way through the movie we decided to move the bedside table that deprecated the beds and push the beds together to make one big bed we could all fit on. It was Ziva's idea really but in taking credit for it too. I was in the middle with McGee to my left and Ziva to my right while our 'dad' Gibbs was still asleep...well we think he is. "Uhhh guys I think I'm gonna go check on Gibbs he has been asleep for aggges I hope he's ok" "Tony I am sure he is fine but yes you should check on him just outcase" "ummmm Zi it's 'just INcase' not outcase" "we'll do that too if you must" Ziva said. I got up and walked over to the door that joins the two rooms. When I looked into the other room I saw Gibbs sitting in the bed watching tv "hey why don't you come in our room and watch tv, there is plenty of room" "thanks DiNozzo I will" Gibbs got out of bed and walked into our room, he sat on the bed next to Ziva and we all watched tv as one big family. This is one of those family moments that I am sure we will all remember for a long time. The four of us in a hotel room sitting on the beds watching tv...

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