A team holiday

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Ziva POV: Tony didnt want to walk to the beach so after getting stuck in traffic for 20minutes we finally got to the beach which would have been a 10-15 minute walk at most. It was hot outside a lot got than back in DC it was the perfect temperature for swimming. We parked the car and raced each other down to the water "Zi McGee first to the water wins ready set go" "woah Tony you cheated you left before us" "really McGee then how come Ziva is a head of me you just gotta be quick Probie" I speed of past Tony and it to the waters edge first even though Tony cheated and ran off before me and McGee. Gibbs was still up by the car watching us race each other. "Hey Gibbs!" I yelled up to him "yeah Ziver!" "are you coming or are you just going to watch us!" "I will be down soon. You all go ahead!" "ok don't take to long the waters really nice!" I could see Gibbs laughing up by the car but I turned around and dove into the water leaving the boys to fight amungst them selves in the shallow water.

Gibbs POV: We ended up driving to the beach to save from hearing Tony complain the whole way there and possibly back. The drive took 20minutes because of traffic whereas the walk would have taken 10-15minutes at most. When we finally got to the beach Tony jumped out of the car and challenged McGee and Ziva to a race. Of course Tony cheated but Ziva won as per usual. McGee complained about Tony cheating so they ended up fighting and wrestling in the water. It was nice watching my kids enjoy themselves and have fun despite the days recent events they seemed happy here and free. There is nothing here stopping them from having fun and enjoying life. At work we are all together but we are surrounded by death and run the risk of being killed everyday we wake up. This is nice I really do like it

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