A team holiday

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McGee POV: We spent most of the afternoon at Disneyland we went on almost all of the rides on both sides of the park. We probably looked a bit weird I mean four grown adults at Disneyland with no children to accompany on the rides. But ohwell we had a blast my faviourite ride was probably the grizzly rapids over on the other side of the theme park it was awesome and we all got soaked. "Gibbs what was your faviourite ride?" "Not sure probably the soaring over California one what about you Tony?" "Oh it had to be either the roller coaster or the Hollywood hotel of terror or the cars ride or the buzz light year ride or the Star Wars ride or the Uhmmm I'm not really sure aye" "hahaha alright then" Gibbs said "Zi what was your faviourite ride?" "Uhm maybe the tea cups or its a small world" "and yours McGoo" "grizzly rapids since we all got soaked it was pretty awesome" we had a great afternoon, spent a good 3 hours at Disneyland I think, we ate heaps of hot dogs and churros and ice cream. I don't think we will be having dinner tonight to be honest. I'm glad we did this I haven't been here since I was 10 forgot how amazing this place is. We all had a good afternoon I'm actually kinda surprised since we are....well I guess u could say a bit old for this place....but then you can never be too old for Disneyland. I'm pretty tired so keen to get back to the hotel and sleep even though its not that late might go out later tonight maybe hit a pub or two with the others, that's something we haven't done while away.

Gibbs POV: there's something going on with Ziva she's been acting different all day. This morning she was happy and excited for the day and then when we were in the car she was upset and emotional and did a rubbish job of hiding it and now she seems fine. There's something going on and I don't like not knowing what but she will talk when she wants I guess. It's been a pretty good day overall, enjoyed it more than I thought. I never got the chance to bring Kelly here I wish I did, she would have loved it. All these rides and gift type shops and places to eat. She would have had a ball and it would have made for an amazing day out. But she's gone and I can't bring her or Shannon back that can never be no matter how much I wish I could. I think we are all ready to leave now we seem to have run out of things to do here. "Shall we go?" I asked the other three "yup unless there's some other ride someone wants to go on" tony said "nah I'm good what about you Ziva" "I think I'm ready to go" "well then I guess we are done, any suggestions what to do now?" "How about we go back to the hotel for a bit then to to a pub or two later tonight?" McGee suggested "oh yeah that sounds good" tony quickly commented "mhmm I suppose" Ziva didn't sound so sure. "Alright haven't had a good drink while we have been here" we headed back to the car. I regret parking so far away now it's a bit of a walk after a long afternoon of sitting on theme park rides.

Tony POV: it's been a good afternoon here at Disneyland but I'm sorta distracted with the thought of something being really wrong with Ziva, Gibbs has noticed it too. She hasn't kept up the famous Ziva David no emotion mask very well. It must be something really serious. I'm determined to find out what it is though she's just not herself I really don't like it. The rides here are pretty awesome I haven't been here since I was 8 and I think i was on a school field trip when I came, I can't really remember. So we are going back to the hotel and then later tonight we are gonna hit up some pubs, well this should be fun. I'm gonna have to find about Ziva before we leave though I don't think either of us will be able to have a good time if she's dealing with whatever it is in her own and if I don't know what's wrong.....

Authors note: sorry this is a terrible part it's 12:40am and I'm wide awake kinda can't sleep....I promise the next part will be much much better. Thanks for reading please comment what u think of it so far... :)

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