A team holiday

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McGee POV: after sleeping for 8 or 9 hours I woke up to the sound of children screaming, when I woke I started to panic and tried to think where the noise could have come from. Then I realized the tv was still on and the screaming was coming from whatever tv show was on. Gibbs was still asleep so I crept into Tony and Ziva's room to find Tony awake watching tv. "Hey McGoo what you up to!" "Morning Tony I was just wondering who is awake, Gibbs is still asleep" "oh well Ziva is too, here come sit in the bed and watch the movie with me, don't wanna wake Gibbs up" I went and sat on the bed next to Tony. He was watching Black Hawk Down. I didn't know much about the movie but it looked alright. A little while later Ziva woke."mhmmmm Good Morning Tony, McGee. What are you two doing" "watching a movie.." I said "...Gibbs was still asleep when i woke up so I came im here" "oh that's cool. What movie are you watching" "well Miss David we are watching Black Hawk Down" "never heard of it" "I didn't think you would have" with that Ziva got up to check on Gibbs. She only peeked her head round the corner so she didn't wake him of he was still asleep. "Well boys Gibbs is still asleep we should leave him for a while longer" "that's a good idea. Hey you two know what this reminds me of" I asked them "what McGee?" "This reminds me of the times I was growing up with my sister and when the family would go on holidays and Sarah and I would wake up before mum and dad so we would sit in our room and watch tv for hours" "awww McGee well Tony and I are your brother and sister so this is just like that memory you have" "That's actually very cute McGoo"

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