A team holiday

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After getting a bite to eat at a nearby cafe Gibbs and his team went back to the hotel to get changed. The boys in their swim shorts and Ziva in her bikini.

Ziva POV: it is a tad awkward for me to be the only femal here in a bikini. The boys are all wearing shorts and I'm just here in my two piece dodging their stares. "Erm do you all mind not starring at me like that I am pretty close to covering up with a top and shorts" "oh no way Zi no need to do that, right McGawk" "yeah Ziva what your wearing is fine" "DiNozzo McGee stop starring" "yes boss" "thanks Gibbs" we walked out of the hotel room but I knew they were still starring so I thought what the heck I'll give them something to really stare at. I readjusted my bikini bottoms so that my tattoo just above my butt was now showing. I was trying to hide it but now I thought I would tease the boys a little. It wasn't any thing flash just a small flock of birds tattooed in black ink flying upwards towards my back. I could hear Tony whispering to Gibbs and McGee "hey did either of you two know she had that" "nah" "no of course not DiNozzo" "shit it's actually pretty hot" "Tony I can hear you, you are not that quite and you suck at whispering believe me" "oh ummm well I love your tattoo when did you get that done" "when I was 18 and with a group of friends" "wow it looks good like really good like really really good" "uhhh thanks" haha typical Tony

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