A team holiday

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Tony POV: We were in the ce headed towards Disneyland, Ziva was sitting next to me in the back and Gibbs was driving with McGee on the passenger seat. Ziva was staring out the window into the middle of know where. I could see tears forming in herr eyes and without really thinking I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. She turned and looked at me. I was expecting her to pull away in shock but instead she squezzed my hand pulled out her phone. A few seconds later my phone vibrated in my pocket. "Thank you" was all it said. I quickly texted back "Any time, r u ok? im here if u need 2 tlk" I sent it and waited for her reply watching her as she read my text "im fine, yes i mite tlk 2 u l8er 2nite" i squezzed her hand and kept looking at her till we got to Disneyland, even after she looked away, fresh tears in her eyes. McGee and Gibbs got out of the car when we got to the Disneyland parkinglot but Ziva and I stayed back for a little while, i could see she was trying to hide the hurt and pain that was strong in her eyes "Ziva what is wrong?" "it is nothing do not worry, i will talk to you later" "no Zi" "...i just...it is just...i can not....i do not know...i am sorry" i could see this was hard for her and Gibbs was watching us from outside the car, he turned and walked off to buy our passes into the theme park and left us the keys. "Zi what ever it is i am here for you" "i kno wyou are Tony, you always have been i just dont think i can talk about this right now" "alright then when you are ready" she kissed my cheek and stepped out of the car. I followed her making sure to lock the car first though. my ninja...the strong show little emotion always carry a knife kill first ask questions later ninja has turned into this sad upset full of emotion person..i cant stand to see her like this it just isnt right. if all i can do for her is be there to hold her hand when she needs me to then thats what i will do and i will tyr my hardest to be as close to her to make sure she really if fine. She doesnt really have family but then no-one on this team does. We only really have each other so no matter what i will show Ziva im here and never leaving.

Ziva POV: i dont really know whats happened to me. one minute i was happy and my usual self. the next im upset and fighting back tears. its like a wave of emoiton has just hit me and all i want to do is cry. we were in the car so i turned to face the window so no-one could see my face or notice something is wrong. But because Tony is Tony he notices everything and grabs my hand. Honestly that made all of this wprse but i wasnt about to let go, i needed him right now, i needed someone, anyone. I didnt want Gibbs or McGee to notice me aswell so i pulled out my phone and texted Tony. When i opned the phone it hit me why i was feeling like this...all emotional and upseet. Today of all days, while im around everyone instead of at home alone by myself where i can deal with today alone. Today is the day...that horrible day from my past when after 12 hours of labour a year prior and a beautiful baby girl as the result. Today is the day that her father came back and took her from me. Today is the day that i held my baby girl for the last time in my arms, the last time i saw her smile saw her deep brown eyes stareing playfully back at me, heard her little heart beat, last time i felt her warmth against me. Today was the day 5 years ago that he took her form me, from this world, from her family. I started day dreaming  

***** "Mila...Mila were are you!" i could hear her laughter coming from our living room "oh there you are, come on sweetie take Ima's hand dinner is ready" she left what she was doing and came running over to me. her wavy brown hair bouncying on shoulders. her face lite up at the sound of my voice. Mila couldnt say much as she was only one "Mila my dare you are the reason i wake up every morning, the reason i smile, laugh. you my daughter are the most precious thing in my life i love you so very much" i picked her up and started cuddling her as we walked to the kitchen. i placed her in her highchair and set the food in front of her. There was a knock at our front door "well Mila i wonder who that could be. Be careful sweetie i will be right back" i walked through the kitchen into the living room and to our front door. i opened it slighlty so i could see who it was "what the hell are you doing here!"' I yelled, i grabbed my knife from the table next to the door " oh Ziva put the knife down before you get hurt and open this damn door" "Go the hell away you are not welcomed here you left remember said you wanted nothing to do with us" "us?" "yeah dickhead me and your daughter...my daughter" "ahhhh yes and that is why im here you see i told you not to have her, not to keep her i said bad things would happen if you do keep her...remember" "leave...leave now you have no need to be here" "but i do see, your father came ti me a week ago and demandedi help in some way to raise the kid, i refused and he threatened me, i dont appreciate being threatened Ziva so aslong as that kid is alive your father will not leave me alone so i am here to take care of the problem so move before you get hurt too" he had an evil look in his eye and i instantky knew what he meant by 'take care of the problem' there is no way in hell i will let him hurt my baby. There was a crash and bang in the kitchen where i had left Mila. I sprinted into the kitchen to see my baby in the arms of another bigger man. I lunged at him arms out to grab my baby but Zain came up behind me and grabed my waist to hold me back. Mila was screaming, crying and i fought hard against his hold. he pulled out a gun and within a matter of seconds it was all over. Mila was gone, shot in the head and dropped to the ground like a rag doll and Zain and the other guy were gone no where to be seen. i scooped my baby up into my arms and sat on the floor crying uncontrollably even after there were no more tears left to cry. My father rushed into the house. My neighbour had phoned him. he asked who did this and all i said was "Zain" with that my father was gone running put my front door. I buried my baby girl two days later when my father returned. he said he found Zain and the other guy hiding out a few mles south of here. My father shot and kiled them both leaving their worthless bodies to rot where no one would find them ***** GIbbs stopped the car so i guessed we were at Disneyland. Tony and I stayed back iin the car a little while longer. He's worried about me i know. I said i would tell him tonight so i will..... 

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