A team holiday

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Ziva POV: one minute we were all sitting on the beds watching tv. Gibbs, me, McGee and Tony. Then the next minute my phone rings and the caller ID said blocked number. I wasn't interested in answering it but I did anyway "David" "...yes you should come down to the parking lot if you know what's good for you" "uhh excuse me who is this" "oh miss David you are not in the position to ask questions, just do what I say and we won't hurt your family" I hung up and walked to my suitcase and pulled out my gun and my knife. I could feel the others starring at me then Gibbs spoke up "Ziva who was that and what are you doing" "I do not know who that was but they want me to go down to the parking lot and if I don't they will hurt my family..I do not have much family apart from you three so I am going out to the parking lot...and rule nine" "never go anywhere without a knife" Tony said "exactly. I will be back in ten minutes and if I am not you can come down" "No way Zi you aren't going alone we don't know what could happen" I walked out without answering Tony. I walked down the hotel corridor and into the elevator around the corner. I pressed the button for the lobby and waited patiently for the metal doors to open. I wasn't sure what I was doing and why I was doing it but the voice on the other end sound very familiar I just couldn't put a face to the voice.

McGee POV: there is no way we are just going to sit here is there. No way will Gibbs let Ziva just walk off like that with out any back up. "Gibbs what are we going to do. We can't just sit here while she goes out to meet gosh knows who" "I know Tim. Grab your gear boys we're going down after her..I just had to give her a lite head start so who ever this is doesn't notice us coming" tony and I rushed to our bags and grabbed our guns and badges, that was the only gear we had since we are on holiday. We aren't even meant to have our guns but we bought them any way and just as well.

Tony POV: within seconds we had our guns and badges and where out the door heading after Ziva. We didn't know what to expect when we got down to the parking lot but this was not it......there in front of us was a group of four tall but solid built men. Their boss had Ziva in a chock hold and I could tell from the look in her eyes that she was pissed but had a plan to get out of the hold. Without even having time to think the rest of us were grabbed from behind and knocked out cold. Probably dragged to the van that was waiting ready to make its get and away take to gosh knows where....

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