A team holiday

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Authors note: so ziva_cant_leave suggested I make Tiva happen so I'm going to but this part is building up to that so I'm going to tease you all with Tiva moments first until the sequel to A Team Holiday hahaha don't hate me for it. Trust me it will be worth it...I hope :)

Tony POV: Ziva didn't want to go out tonight and Gibbs didnt want her left alone so he asked me to stay with her. Of course I would have volunteered to anyway. Gibbs and McGee had left about 20 minutes ago and Ziva had jumped in the shower so I ordered us some food service. Medium rare steak and fries for me and a grilled chicken salad and ribs for Ziva. I also got us a bottle of red wine and passionfruit cheesecake for dessert. The room service arrived before Ziva haze finished in the bathroom so I knocked on the door "hey Zi our food is here" "oh okay I'll be right out" I pulled the table from the corner of the room to the middle of the room and set our food and wine on either side. A couple minutes later Ziva walked out of the bathroom in a tight black singlet and short pink pyjama shorts. Her wet hair was pulled back in a lose ponytail and she had no make up on, completely natural. She looked gorgeous. "wow Tony this looks really good" "I thought you might be hungry so I ordered us some room service" "that was very thoughtful Tony I am pretty hungry" "well then sit here" I said motioning to the other side of the table across from me. "Ziva..." I said when she sat down "I've been thinking..." "Is that such a good idea Tony" "woah ruff haha" "you know I am only teasing, what have you been thinking?" "Well I've been thinking that when we get back to D.C you should talk to your father, try and fix things between the two of you" I watched as she thought about what I was saying "and well your father Ziva he's your family and the one, the only one who really understands what happened to you and Mila, I'm sure he is hurting too Zi, he didn't just lose his granddaughter he also lost his daughter in a way too...Ziva if I could I would do the same with my father but I have no idea where he is or how to get in contact with him, but you have the chance to fix things with your father and I think you should" she had tears in her eyes and I could see in her face that she understood what I was saying "Tony I think you are right. It is the only reason we are not close, it is not like we are fighting, I am hurting, we both are. I have never accepted Mila's death and I am sure my father has not either. When we get back I will phone and talk to him" "and if you need to go to Tel Aviv I will go with you if you want" "Thank you Tony...for everything"

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