A team holiday

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Tony POV: We were back at the hotel on the beds we had previously pushed together, we were watching a classic from 1960, Cinderfella. It was a remake of the classic fairytale Cinderella but instead of the main character being a women it was a male working for his step mother and step brothers. It was the only movie on so we settled for that. It was getting late and we were getting hugry so when the movie finished we ordered room service. We ordered marrinated steak, ribs and salad and for dessert we ordered cheese cake. It didn't take long for our food to arrive in our room. "will there be anything else for you all tonight" the room service guy asked. "oh no thank you that will be all" i replyed. We divided the food and sat back on the beds. "well this was a very enjoyable day if i do say so, i quite enjoyed it" "your right DiNozzo this was a good day...well afternoon" Gibbs said. "what are we doing tomorrow?" McGee asked "not sure McGoo, Gibbs what do you think we should do" "well i think Ziver should decide" "oh uhm i am not sure, we missed the baseball game today, i was quite looking forward to it. But i will have to think about what to do tomorrow if you all do not mind" There was something going on between Ziva and Gibbs i guess it had something to do with their talk on the plane and whatever was said when they walked iver to the ice-cream truck. Even though they tried their hardest i could still tell that something happened and that there had been tears. 

McGee POV: Gibbs s letting Ziva decide what we do tomorrow. It is basically our last full day here. The day after tomorrow we leave and head back to D.C. Im looking forward to seeing Abby but i dont think i am ready to leave just yet. Im having such an awesime time. Between going to the beach, walking round ddoing nothing in particular, having no cases to work on and no director or boss to answer to. Im quite enjoying my time away from work. This week has given me the chance to think about what i really want from life and where i want to be in the next few years. Besides Gibbs, Abby, Tony and Ziva there is nothing really holding me at NCIS anymore. I need to think about my self and what i want to do. My novel writing is being held back because of work and i really love writing i can just never find time to complete it. Work seems to be taking over everything and i'm starting to get frustrated with it. I can write about murder and death but i dont know how much longer i can continue facing it everyday at work. i am going to have to talk to Gibbs about this when we get back. No point ruining everyone elses holiday when im not 100% sure of what i want....

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