A team holiday

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Ziva POV: after walking round for hours and finding heaps of cute clothing stores and coming across many delicious looking restaurants we decided to head back to the hotel and get ready to go out to dinner. I was walking along the foot path next to Tony when he quietly asked me if I was ok "yeah Tony I am fine, what makes you ask" "we'll it's just that you have been kinda quiet and that's not really like you" "oh I guess I'm still getting used to this place, I have never been here before so i am just taking it all in" I smiled at him and he smiled back then we were silent again. I could see McGee and Gibbs a little way ahead of us, they were on the phone with Abby and Ducky, I guess Abby just wanted to check on us and Ducky was just there since the call came from Abby's phone.

Tony POV: Ziva seemed different than usual, she wasn't saying much but she was looking around at everything and by everything I really do mean everything, from the Birds in the trees to every car that drove by to the children running along the footpath to the colour of every bench we walked by. She really was looking at everything, I know she hadn't been to Los Angeles before but I didn't think she would be this excited by the place. I asked her if she was ok cause this was not a side of Ziva I had ever seen before and we have been to Paris and Berlin together on missions and she never acted like this. She said she was fine so I dropped the question since that was the only answer i was going to get out of her. The rest of the walk back to the hotel was quiet.

Gibbs POV: after talking to Abby and Ducky I was pretty tired, Abby asked McGee and i to describe everything in detail to her and Ducky told us stories of when he was last in Los Angeles and the types of things he got up to. All I wanted to do was get a drink and watch tv. That was exactly what I did the minute I walked into the room, McGee and Tony did the same but Ziva went and had a shower instead. Like father like son I guess you could say.

McGee POV: Ohmygosh I didn't think Abby was being serious when she asked us to explain everything we could see in detail and boy does Ducky have many many stories of his travels and experiences. By the end of the phone call I was exhausted from talking and didn't want to say another word so i walked into the hotel room and flopped on the bed, Gibbs poured himself and me a drink and I gladly accepted it after talking so much I really need a drink. Tony seemed a little off he just walked into his room quietly without saying a single word. I made a mental note to ask him what was up later tonight. Ziva swiftly moved to their bathroom to take a shower and Gibbs had the remote so I was forced to watch what he chose I don't mind to much though and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now