A team holiday

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Ziva POV: I was in the hotel bathroom taking a shower when I started thinking about everything that has happened in my life, all the bad times the good times the bad people the good people, my family here and the little family i have left back in Israel. I started thinking bout my life in a way I have never before. I started thinking bout all the possible 'what ifs' what if I was to lose everything tonight, today, tomorrow. What if I was to lose my family again what if I was kidnapped and never able to see my family again what if I died tonight or tomorrow or next week what if something happens on this holiday that changes everything. I needed to stop thinking before I made my self cry so I got out of the shower and started getting ready for dinner. We are going down to a really nice restaurant we walked past today so I am thankful I bought some of my dresses and heels with me. I applied my makeup careful not to over do it cause I really didn't want to look like a cake face, I noticed so many girls these days walking round with layers and layers of make up caked on their faces and it just does not look right. I slipped on my short black dress that hugged all my curves, it has a hidden zip that starts at the top and goes half way down the back of the dress with little detail besides the lace shoulder sleeves. I dryed my hair with the hairdryer attached to the wall and left it down for the night. I put on my black heels and walked out of the bathroom to give Tony a chance to use it before we leave "wow Zi you look amazing I don't think I have ever seen you like this, it's nice" "thanks Tony I do not usually wear dresses this short" "we'll you look beautiful" I smiled as he walked past me into the bathroom, since I was ready to leave I sat on the bed and watched a bit of tv. There was not much on but I found the sports channel and there was a baseball game on so I decided to watch that even though I do not really understand the game.

Tony POV: I was waiting for ZIva to finish in the bathroom, I have never really thought of her as your usual girly girl until I realized she had been in the bathroom for over an hour, I was about to get up and knock on the bathroom door when she came out looking like a Greek goddess. That tight black dress that stopped just above her knees with those lace shoulder sleeves and the way her hair feel naturally below her shoulders was amazing. The little make up she had on made her look completely natural and not made up like many other women I have met. She is absoluty stunning...beautiful....gorgeous. "Wow Zi you look amazing I don't think I have ever seen you like this it's nice" oh way to go Tony you sound like a complete twit 'it's nice' who says that 'you look amazing' what the fuck she looks better than amazing, just stop talking... I quickly ducked behind her into the bathroom so I could freshen up and change into my black suit. When I came out she was sitting on the bed watching a baseball game "who's winning" "oh uhhh I am not sure i don't understand it" "hahaha never mind then" I looked at the little box in the corner of the screen to see who was winning and who was playing " well Ziva the Angles are winning and they are playing the Detroit tigers" "oh ok how do you know that" Because that little box in the corner of the screen tells me so, it shows the names of each team, what the score is, what inning the game is up to, how many outs there is in this inning and what bases have players on them" I said pointing to each part of the box as I explained it to her " oh well where are the angles from? You said the Detroit tigers so I guess they are from Detroit" " the angles are from here in Los Angeles but from Anaheim, I will show you their baseball park when we go to Anaheim tomorrow, Disneyland is in Anaheim" " oh great! I have never been to a baseball park" " oh wow we are going to see a game then while we are here. Zi how long have you been in America?" "6 years why do you ask" "What you have been in this country 6 years and never been to a baseball game!" "Yes" "right we are changing that the day after tomorrow we are going to an Angels baseball game, they are playing at home this week" "Tony I do not understand the game so it would be boreing for me" "no excuses I will explain the whole game to you, every inning till its over" "really?" "Yes" "what is taking you two so long we're ready to leave?" "Sorry boss we're coming. Oh and boss Ziva has never been to a baseball game so I was thinking the day after tomorrow we take her to one at the angels stadium" "alright sounds good, your paying" "that's fine" i yell to McGee in the next room "Hey McGee we going to a baseball game the day after tomorrow!! Ziva has never been to a game!" "Never?" "Yup never" "Alright awesome I haven't been to one this season!" "Great it's a plan. Lets go to dinner I'm starving" with that and my grand idea we left for dinner

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