A team holiday

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We were sitting in the cafe waiting for our food to arrive when we started talking about all the highs and lows of our holiday week so far. Tony started and he surprised me a little with his answer " my high of the week would be all the family binding we have done. I think we have gotten closer as a family this week, I really like it. The low would have to be when we thought Ziva might be in trouble when she went down to the parking lot and we all ended up being kidnapped" there was a short silent pause as we thought about what Tony said. Ziva was next " my highlighter...." "Uh Ziva" Tony interrupted " it's highlight, not highlighter" she smiled and I slapped the back of his head "hey I was just trying to help her, you know Zi gets her idioms confused sometimes...anyway Zi carry on" she smiled again but this time laughed a little "we'll then my highlighhhhht" she said stressing the word "was finding my true family with the people that really do care about me. I've never had a family holiday like this before and I'm really loving it" she said with a few tears in her eyes...we all did "Zi" Tony said we will always be here for you, right next to you no matter what we will always be here. You can count on that" "he's right" McGee said "we are family and you ate like a little sister to me and Tonys the older annoying brother and Gibbs is our dad we can turn to for anything, always there protecting us" "and you McGee" Ziva said "are the middle child who is their for everyone and will do anything to make and keep us happy" we had tears threading to spill over and escape down our cheeks and just before this could eat anymore emotional the waitress came over with our food. She carefully placed each plate in front of us and walked away. I guess she could see the tears and didnt know what to at. After a few minutes of forks and knives scratching the plates I spoke up " so then what is the low of your week Ziver" "I'm not sure really maybe when it ends" "fair enough, McGee your turn" "hmmm this week has been pretty great that I can't pick out one thing and apart from bring kidnapped for a few hours there hasn't really been a low part of the week" the way McFee answered told me glue was holding back, something big but I'm not sure what. He will tell me when he is ready though "what about you Gubbs" "uhm well not having to get up and go to work all day has been great and not having to argue with the director over his stupid decisions has been good. But I do miss my coffee the stuff here is terrible" we all laughed and went back to eating. So many memories we can take from this holiday. Tony's right we have become closer as a family and even a team. Ziva had let down many defensive walls, Tony has dropped his smartass mask and McGee has stopped being stressed abou work and I'm actual lying relaxing and drinking less at night. "I think we should make this an annual thing it would be good for us all to get a break from work" "Gibbs that's a great idea" Ziva said "yeah let's do that" Tont chimed in after "really? That would be great" McGee said "then u guess that's the plan" we finished eating soon afterwards. "Shall we go now" "sure DiNozzo you better pay first" he pulled out his wallet without any moaning. Wow he really has changed. We walked outside and back to the car. Ziva sat next to Tony in the back and McGee sat next to me in the passenger seat and we headed to Disneyland for the remainder of the day.

Authors note: YAY Internet is allgood now. I can post the next few parts now. There will be another part tomorrow. A bit of a tiva thing coming up but nothing huge Ziva's past cones into it and her secret she has been holding back from everyone....even Gibbs doesn't know......

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