A team holiday

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Gibbs POV: I woke up in a strange room the was dark and cold. There were no windows and as far as I could tell the door was hidden in the darkness. Tony McGee and Ziva were still out of it they were next to me and weren't moving the only reason I knew they are still alive is because of the sounds of their deep uneven breathing. A few minutes passed before Tony and Ziva started to regain consciousness but McGee was still out of it. "Boss" "yeah DiNozzo I'm here" "Zi" "mhmmm I'm here too" "Tim"....."he's still unconscious Tony" I said when he began to freak out a little. "Ohh, um boss where are we" "I don't know Tony" "oh ok then" "boss" "yeah Ziver I know the man who took us" "I know, so do I. We arrested him and his brother three months ago for murder and his brother was killed in prison" "so I guess he blames us" "yeah Ziva I guess he does" "who what where huh what's going on" "welcome to the dungeon of doom McSleepy" "huh how did we get here" "we'll McSleepy when we went down to the parking lot to keep an eye on the situation Ziva wa in we were hit from behind, knocked out and brought here" "oh" McGee still seemed a little confused and I gave Tony a head slap for calling this place the dungeon of doom. McGee doesn't handle these situations all that well so I didn't want him freaking out any more than necessary. We sat in silence waiting for what ever was coming next and with 20 or so minutes a door at the other end of the room opened and in walked the man that kidnapped us. His name is Mike Spiller and his brother was Nathan Spiller. They were two of the stupidest murders I have ever arrested. Their stupidness just can't be put in words. I mean who commits a murder and doesn't try to hide any forensic evidence or shut down the security cameras in the area or at least cover their faces when their commuting a crime in broad daylight. "Good you are all awake finally" "what do you want with me and my team" "oh but Special agent Gibbs their not just your team. They are also your family. You are the reason my only family I had left is now dead so it's only right that I return that favour and destroy the only family you! Have left" this guy is a creep and if he thinks I am going to let him hurt my kids then he has another thing coming. "What makes you think I will let you do that. And why did you phone Agent David and not me" "oh agent Gibbs if I phoned you then the rest of your team wouldn't have come down to the parking lot so I phoned the one member of your team I know you all love and wouldn't allow anyone to hurt. I knew the rest of you would follow her down you are just that predictable" with that he stormed out of the room with a stupid grin on his face to go with his stupid personality. This guy is not going to get away with this. I awkwardly reached into my pocket, since my hands were tied and pulled out my phone, man this guy keeps getting stupider and stupider. I phoned Abby and got her to trace my call she told us were we are and said she would get the director to send a team down to rescue us. "Why would someone who kidnaps someone else not take away their phones or take them some where were there is no phone service? And why would someone not take away Ziva's knife I mean now we can just cut off these ropes and basically kill them all the next time they come in here" "tony do you think you can reach my knife and cut away these ropes" "of course I can Zi just turn around slightly so I can reach the knife" I was silently laughing on the inside how could someone be do stupid. Just another memory we can add to the memories from this holiday week.

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