Chapter 1

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As I woke up from oblivion, I could not budge from my sleeping position. I lay there for a while staring into the ceiling trying to put an order in my thoughts. Trying not to wince in pain at the usual headache, I tried to gather the courage to face yet another day ignoring the terror taking hold of me. It was manageable now that I was able to tolerate normal sound and look at light for some time. With a resolution, I stood up to start the daily chores. Usually it was my mother who used to take care of everything but she was in hospital recuperating after an operation. As if life was not complicated enough! Trying not to wallow in self-pity, I started preparing food for myself as well as the relatives who were supposed to take care of me during my mother’s absence. I managed to wrap up everything by 7am otherwise I would be late for my tuition classes. After leaving home I made a mad dash for the bus stop and suddenly I had this strange feeling gripping me. Thank God I had the good sense to look back in time to see two ferocious dogs coming after me baring their teeth. Keeping my wits around me, I immediately stopped running and took off my bag and grabbed a wooden plank which was lying nearby and prayed for divine intervention.

Tenacious by nature, I was ready to beat the hell out of at least one if it dares come near me. I was eyeing my opponents as keenly as they were observing me when suddenly I heard two voices near me warning me to be careful and they began to yell at somebody to call off his untamed dogs. A whistle sounded and to my relief both animals backed off and I felt dizzy with relief. At least, I didn’t have to beat them; I was no animal hater but I felt that I had to defend myself.

Due to the incident, I reached the tuition centre late and as I entered the class, I could feel every pair of eyes on me. Thankfully, the teacher was aware of my situation and he signaled me to enter without any fuss. I heaved an inward sigh of relief and took a seat trying to make myself as unnoticeable as possible. Thankfully, the buzz died and class resumed normally. After tolerating physics for an hour, I had to rush to school for another higher dose of torture. I hated school. I hated most of the teachers as well and hated the students even more.  Too much hostility from the progenies of the elite is a reason for my revulsion towards the academic institution.

I did not hate everything but there was very little subjects that could be tagged as my favourite. Like biology was tolerable. And social science even more. And I loves the language hours. I don’t have anything personal with the other subject but the teachers were not too kind. Math class gave me shivers. For one, I didn’t understand anything and as a result I always stammer when asked a question to finally close my mouth. Needless to say that it was usually followed my some snickering and comments which went straight to my 15 year old heart.

Frankly, I didn’t care; I was a loner. The lack of friends in my life was a painful truth I could not avoid or forget. After hearing my daily quota of insults and a fair share of loneliness, I dragged myself back home which did not seem too bright either. After cleaning myself up, I did my homework and went to give my grandmother some company to watch TV.

Somehow, I willed the clock to strike 10 and felt relieved when it did. Time to go to bed. As expected, my unusual dreams started but I slept through it, tired after so much hard work.

That was a typical day of my life. I had the innate ability to attract at least one danger towards me and was a walking catastrophe. Broken legs, arms, heads, you name it. Aside from my clumsiness, my life was boring in capital letters.

The next day, I got up feeling better; it was going to be a special day because we were going to attend a seminar about the need for conserving heritage buildings in the locality. In other words, it meant that I was not going to spend my day at school and no one to ridicule me about my lack of beauty and brains. And of course no reminder about my nonexistent social life devoid of friends.

Feeling content, I reached school to find everyone outside making their way to the bus which meant that there was no assembly today. I did a mental dance before entering the bus and sat next to a teacher not wanting to mingle with my classmates.

After three hours’ drive, we finally reached our destination and we were asked to queue up before entering the building.My attention was taken as I was going through the brochures which were handed to us by some volunteers and I found myself at the very end of the line. With my eyes still fixed on the brochure, I collided with a chair and nearly fell down but managed to retain my position after stumbling for balance.I heard the usual snide remarks about how my clumsiness followed me everywhere. As usual, I ignored them and managed to flash an apologetic smile to no one in particular. By now I had mastered the act of ignoring the criticisms ever since my accident which attracted attraction.

Turning to take a seat, my eyes collided with another pair and I froze for a minute or two. The first thought that came to my mind when I recovered was what the hell was happening. I took a good look at the person and found myself staring at a well-built guy who caught my attention in a strange way. I used the word strange because I believe that are men are strange and not to be trusted. There was no such thing as attraction or love at least not in my world. But unable to resist, my wandering traitorous eyes returned to where he was seated and the smile I got tilted my world.

Pretending to read the brochure, I fumbled with my seat looking away but trying to appear as if nothing had happened. However, my eyes went back to him and out of the corner of my eyes, I found that there were other people near him looking as if they were discussing something important. It gave me the opportunity to look at him more closely; he looked older and if my guess was right, he was not even a college student. Normally I was good at reading people and he looked like someone important. Trying not so be too obvious, I stole furtive glances in his direction sitting there patiently.

After about an hour, my attention was thankfully diverted to the next speaker who had been talking to the enigmatic stranger. I assumed they were friends and so I listened when he talked about the importance of saving old buildings. Unfortunately, my eyes began to roam again and landed of course in the stranger’s direction. To my surprise I found him watching me and the captivating smile was too irresistible this time. I found my lips curled on their own to return his smile and I looked away trying to be casual. But I looked again and again not seeming to be able to stop. Soon it was time to leave. I couldn’t make myself look for him again because I knew that whatever was happening should not have happened. It will not last. This is me. The most ordinary person whom God created when he was obviously very bored.

I walked away from the building towards our bus with a heavy heart. Whatever I had felt for him momentarily, it could be beautiful and intense. I was damned sure of that much and my poor heart knew that much. “You will get over it soon girl” , I told myself sternly. After reaching home and drinking half a bottle of water I went to my room to change. And life went on…….

I would be lying if I said that I forgot all that happened that day. No I remembered every little detail especially a pair of eyes and a smile which was like summer rain for me.The image of their wonderful owner was etched in my mind and I had a feeling I would never forget him.

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