Chapter 33

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I was sleeping when someone threw the bedding off me. “Stop it Rhea. Let me sleep please.”

“Rise and shine sleepy head.”  My eyes opened in surprise and I was wide awake in an instant.

“J T!” I threw myself at him and hugged him fiercely. I heard him laughing because of my assault.

“I missed you too and how is everything going at Uncle Richard’s place. How is the birthday boy?” He asked me.

“You should see him trying to tolerate everything we are making him do. He says he is too old to celebrate things like this and we all are nuts to plan such a thing.”

He laughed and I smiled seeing him laugh freely. “So how are you?”

“I am fine J T.” He took my face in his hands and gave me a serious look.

“That man is treating you well. Isn’t he?”

“I love him JT and the feeling is mutual.”

He winced hearing that and I sympathized with him. Seeing me with Jordan and accepting our relationship won’t be easy for him but I was sure that with time everything will be alright.

“What are your plans for today?”

“I am going to have some breakfast and then will go straight to Roy’s place.”

“Okay. I will take you.”

I was surprised when I heard that but didn’t try to question him. I got ready in an hour and we were on our way.

When we entered the house I saw a grumbling Mr. Mathews complaining about all the childish things we children were up to. When he saw us he gave a happy smile and gave us both hugs.

“Happy birthday Dad.” I said and everything, even the air inside the house stilled for a minute. He tried to say something but it got stuck in his throat and after several attempts he simply stared at me and then enveloped me in a tight hug. When I looked up at his face to see his reaction I saw tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Do you know, Birthday boys should never cry. It’s bad luck.”

He smiled hearing that, “These are happy tears my child. You just gave me the most valuable gift a person can ever have. One I think I lost forever. Thanks dear.”

I wiped away his tears and he turned his attention to J T. I accompanied Mom to everywhere she went in order to prepare for the evening.

It was a nice little party attended by close friends and family. Everyone including Jordan’s parents were in a good mood. Emily, his sister came to me and we both chatted for a while. I liked her very much and she promised to visit me soon. We talked a bit about her mother’s reaction to our affair and she surprised me when she said,

“It’s not without reason that Mom is referred to as the cold woman and Ice lady even by the people who knows her. She is not much different inside the house too. I think she got that from her grandmother who was much worse than her.”

“Emily but she is your Mom!” I couldn’t hide my surprise.

“Yes she is but she had absolutely no right to meddle in yours and Joe’s private matter.” She calls her brother Joe and I was staring at her with my mouth hanging open.

“But that’s Mom, always doing things which she shouldn’t do. Don’t mind her. You are perfect for him and I have never seen him behaving like that ever and it’s good. You should see the dreamy look which comes over his face when he talks about you. It’s like he is completely in love with you and in my memory it’s a first in his life. I and Dad both want to see him settled down Nina and it’s he who wants you in his life. No one else has the right to say or do anything against it.”

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