Chapter 29

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 It was very difficult to ignore a very angry man standing in front of you, especially when he was someone like Jordan Xavier. All the drama which happened yesterday had taken its toll on me and I was feeling like a rung out dishcloth right then.

“Please leave me alone today Jordan. I am not in a mood to talk.”

 I tried to move away from the counter because I was aware of his nature to corner me. As if he knew what I was trying to do or rather avoid he did exactly that. He put both his hands on either side of me trapping me in front of the counter.

“Why didn’t you attend any of my calls yesterday?” He asked me in a very cold voice.

“I was busy.”

“Really? What kind of busy?”

“Please Jordan I am really very tired right now and I need some space.”

“Who do you think you are? What do you take me for? I really like to know Nina because my ego won’t allow me to ignore this kind of brush off.”

“Look Jordan I wasn’t trying to dent your ego. It was a hard day for me and I wanted to be alone. Do you understand?”

I almost hissed the last words at him. But my own anger was growing and I needed to take it out on someone, and as far as Jordan was concerned he was asking for it.

“You could have at least responded to one of the many messages I send you. It’s not like I have a lot of free time for stuff like that.”

“I told you I wanted to be alone and why can’t you understand my need for privacy? Who are you for me to explain everything going on in my life?”

“What the hell Nina? We are friends and I am not going to tolerate someone like you brushing me off as if I am some insignificant person.” His voice was raising and I could feel the rush of blood in my ears. If he thought that I will back down then he got me all wrong.

Someone like me? Please tell me what you meant by that mister.”

“Or what? You are not Miss Universe to act like that.”

“If models and beauty queens were your preference then why the hell did you came after someone like me? You are the one to blame Jordan, not me. I didn’t want you or your friendship in my life and I didn’t ask for it either. It was your idea in the first place and I was leading a very peaceful life till then.”

“Oh believe me sweetheart I’ve had my share of beauty queens and models and I’ve lost interest in them long ago. About me making the first move, yes I did because I felt that you are different from those women. I don’t think that your life before I came into it was very peaceful Nina. You were hurt and broken and you still are.”

It felt like three blows to the gut and I stilled hearing his harsh words. “I don’t need your pity Jordan. If I am hurt and broken then it’s fine with me. I am ready to suffer and I am not looking for a damn savior.”

“Want it or not nightingale, you have got yourself one. I am giving you my word Nina; you will tell me what happened with you soon.”

I was about to retort when his phone rang but that stubborn man caught my wrist with one hand and attended his call with the other one. It was his dad and there was some problem with a deal they were about to finalize. Even though he was talking to his father he pinned me with his gaze and I had no other options but to glare back and listen to the idiot speaking about some damn deal.

“I am pretty sure they are bluffing dad. Don’t give them more time.”

“Yes. I will deal with them.”

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