Chapter 5

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I was preparing for my exams when J T came home. I began to collect all the papers planning to take them inside my room. I didn’t want to pick another fight with him again. After telling him about meeting Nina again, he was always preaching about why it was a good idea to just avoid her and he constantly advised me to live a bit more colorful life.

I know he cares about me and considers me more as a brother than Alex, his original brother. But I just couldn't stand hearing him talk about Nina as if she was a worthless creature. My blood starts to boil whenever I hear such things about her and eventhough he was aware of that, he kept on saying why it was good for everyone involved if I stopped meeting her even if nothing significant has happened yet.

He suddenly wanted me to stop teaching when it was he who pushed me into it first. When I saw him looking at me seriously I knew what was coming.

“You can say whatever you feel like without insulting her but no matter how many times you repeat it nothing is going to change, I won’t stop going there and I will keep on meeting her. I gave you my word that I will not take it any further than this and I am telling you again, i won't even talk to her.I just want to see her form far. It’s not because I am afraid of you or anyone else but because she is still in school and needs to concentrate on her studies now. I am not going to be a distraction.”

“Okay. Calm down. I was not going to advice you anyway. I did that for a good measure and I also know that no matter what I say or how many times I repeat it you are not going to stop this. What is confusing me is why you are attracted to that girl like this and what do you see in her for you to feel this way?”

“That day you said that you see her as a meek one and you also described her as too ordinary for me. But for you to see her in a different light you will have to look at her through my eyes and feel what I feel  when I see her”.

“This is so sappy. You are talking like a teenager and I feel like laughing”.

“Go on then. Laugh at me. I think I deserve that but I don’t care.”

“Look Roy, it’s not like I am making fun of you or your feelings but what I am concerned about is why her and where will all this end? I don’t want you to get hurt, not in any way. I can’t see you getting hurt again. The last time is still very much fresh in my mind. I will do anything to prevent that”.

“That was a long time ago and it was an accident. I was discharged after a month’s stay but what I hated the most was taking your help for bathroom visits.” I tried to lighten his mood.

“You got hurt that day because of me. You saved my life. I didn’t regret taking you for your BR visits; in fact I enjoyed seeing your face whenever you had to depend on me. I will do it again for you. Those days, I also suffered.  Guilt was eating me and seeing you in that much pain was….”

“You didn’t break my leg, I did it all by myself and you don’t have to feel guilty about that. Stop dragging our past into this.”

“If you did such a thing for me back then and that too even when I was avoiding you, I can’t even think about what you will do for her. When you mix love with your feelings…. Roy I gave your mom my word that day. I assured her, I will protect you from harm and I will do anything to keep my word.”

“This is getting way out of control. Look whatever happened that day, happened. It was nobody’s fault. Not even mine. Because of that day I got your friendship and I am glad I could help you”.

“Help! You call that helping me!!!! You saved my life Roy and don’t you dare brush it off as a silly incident. As far as gaining my friendship goes, you got far more than my friendship that day. As my parents declared, you are every bit a brother to me as Alex is.”

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