Chapter 27

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It was a slow day at the spell. Rhea went to meet J T and that was occurring frequently after that day. At first they couldn’t even stand each other’s presence and now they can’t keep away. I haven’t met Jordan again after the wedding and I was looking forward for it desperately. I needed answers and I wanted it from him. Whatever J T had said that day were very serious allegations. What I didn’t understand was why should people have this feeling that someone like Jordan could be attracted to the plain simple me?

I knew that he was too good looking for someone like me, his mannerisms and the way he dressed screamed that he was filthy rich. Those  were  the factors why we were never a good match for each other. His forcing me to be friends was only because I helped him on two occasions, nothing more. But JT’s words kept circling in my mind and who to ask for the truth? How I wish Alex was there to clear my confusion!

“Jenny? Will you tell me the truth if I ask you something?

“Yes Nina.”

“Do you know Jordan Xavier? This is your hometown too.”

“Yes. I know about them. What is the problem?”

“I met Jordan Xavier a couple of times and we are sort of friends. J T doesn’t like him and warns me always to keep my distance from him. Says he is not a good person and will harm me some day and things like that.”

“Hmm I saw him talking to you at the reception and I also saw him introducing you to his parents. What’s going on Nina?”

I told her how I first met him and what happened afterwards. She was silent for a while.

“Jenny is it true that this building belongs to him?”

“Yes. This building belongs to his family and I signed the lease agreement with his father. But what harm is there in being friends with the landlord Nina, if that’s what is causing these lines in your temples?”

“I don’t know. People will say things Jenny and I am sure that a lot of them have seen what happened at the reception. But to tell you the truth there is nothing going on between us and I don’t want to be in a relationship with anyone right now. I am perfectly fine.”

“Oh dear, Please don’t be hard on yourself for being normal. Rumors will arise but that is what happens when people whom you deal with are rich and famous. Above all Jordan is a very perfect male specimen and who doesn’t try to vie for his attention, other than you? In my opinion you shouldn’t let any other person to intervene in the middle of your friendship because it’s your life and you are capable of taking your own decisions.”

“But jenny what if JT is right and he is looking for revenge?”

“Look Nina, we’ll all get hurt at some point in our lives. To err is human and we are prone to take bad decisions at some point and we will get hurt but getting up from where we fall and moving forward in life makes us who we are."

"Don’t get me wrong but neither J T nor Alex or anyone else for that matter is going to keep you from doing things and taking your own decisions in the future, let it be good or bad, or save you from getting hurt always. It is in our nature to get attracted to things especially to those we think we can’t have or Jordan in your case and you should follow your mind Nina. You are not a kid anymore. If you want to know something, ask the devil himself. I have this feeling that you, my friend will meet Jordan again soon.”

All the things Jenny said confused me more. A lot of questions began to arise in my mind and to my relief she didn’t ask for more details. We decided to close early because of the bad weather and since it had already started to rain, we did it earlier that our usual time. Because it was not dark yet and I still enjoy the feel of rain drops falling on me I decided to walk.

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