Chapter 3

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 “Get up now or I will pour a bucket full of cold water over you”.

“Get lost J T”.

“Not going to happen. I know you went to bed pretty late yesterday but I want a favor from you”.

“What favor? Do you want me to pay half the rent because I am staying with you?”

“Roy, my brother, you are really not awake or you won’t be asking such a thing and since it’s you I am willing to forgive you for your blunder. And now get the hell up before I am tempted to carry on with my earlier threat”.

“Get me a cup of coffee before you state your favor”.

“I am not your wife and since I already made some you are welcome to your share. Help yourself you lazy ass”.

I dragged myself off the bed and went in search of the said coffee and soon found myself staring at my friend for more information.

J T cleared his throat and started…… “I have a friend who teaches at a private coaching centre and he met with an accident yesterday. He needs someone to step in till he is back.”

“So, why do I have to lose sleep for that”.

“You are going to be the replacement”.


“You heard me boy, you are going to help”.

“First stop calling me boy, I am not ten and how can I help?”

“You need to teach some math and Physics, which I know is not a big deal for you because you used to score good marks in those and you too attended these classes once and you, know what to do. All you need to do is go down there, get the syllabus and brush up your knowledge a bit. Please do it for me. I already told my friend not to think about this and that you will help. I am sorry I didn’t ask you first but at that time I didn’t think much about it.”

“What I would like to do is to make your pretty face a little ugly, but since I am living under your roof and because of our friendship and all I am going to do this for you. But you owe me big time for this. Don’t you ever forget that?”

“Dream on boy…. But thanks and I give you my word I will be there whenever you need me”.

Like that I found myself in the role of a teacher. I had to teach senior students and I was okay with the set up since it didn’t take a lot of my time and effort and all I had to do was to teach three hours each the two subjects given to me.

Saturday morning I found myself at the institute’s teacher’s room and I was all prepared to be a teacher for the first time in my life. To say I am not nervous will be an understatement. I closed my eyes, took deep breaths for a minute or so and put on a serious face which I hope will work with the rich brats who come to these institutes more often( because of the money they extract from these kids for the services they provide).

I was walking towards my first class and to say I was surprised would not be enough because of the person I found coming towards me from the opposite direction. I was not even aware that I had stopped moving standing there staring at her and she was arguing with a girl who was literally dragging her towards the biology class.

What a day it was. It just got interesting and I suddenly began to feel positive about this situation which my friend got me into.

“You are going to enjoy this more than anything Roy”, my mind told me and I began to smile like a fool. When I started to gain attention from some of the students who were passing by, I controlled myself and put on the serious teacher façade which I had summoned a couple of minutes ago and began to walk towards my class.

But I couldn’t take my eyes off her. It’s been a year , well nearly a year since I first saw her and she was a little bit more lively, has put on some weight and was laughing at something which the other girl was saying. She still hadn’t seen me and I took my time to notice the changes in her and stored it to my memory.

It was a very special experience to watch her look my way. I saw recognition dawning on her face. Those eyes….. God I will drown in them soon if I keep watching them, was filled with surprise then happiness??? And then she smiled and I saw the second sunrise of the day.

I smiled in return and my smile widened when I saw the puzzled look her friend was throwing at us .she looked at me with curiosity. She understood that I was the source of her friend’s distraction. We passed by each other and I looked over my shoulder to find her doing the same thing. I owe J T, not the other way.

I will have to thank him some way. I will buy his favorite beer today and for the rest of my life. I was that happy.

I took my class with a newfound enthusiasm and my students reflected my mood. Altogether it was a very productive day , I  eagerly waited for the lunch break.

Unfortunately she was with her friend the whole time, as it happened the first time I forget to eat because all my attention was centered on a particular person.

I stayed till the very last class and left when the students began to leave. I took special care to keep a certain person in my view and followed her till they entered the train station. I went home in a very good mood.

“So how was your day and thanks for the beer.” J T said.

“It was good. I enjoyed teaching those kids and thanks for forcing me to go there.”

“I can see that much. You are smiling like a fool and you are like the cat that ate the canary”.

“Well. I saw someone and I didn’t eat the canary but I met her today”.

“Met who? Open up boy or I will make you.’ He said with mock seriousness.

“Do you remember the seminar which you had to attend a year ago? And you dragged me with you. I showed you a girl there and you called her meek.”

After thinking for a bit he remembered. I can’t blame him for that, he was a couple of years older than me and he was far busier than me most days. After all he was a youth politician who was still under his father’s shadow but I am sure soon he will stand for the elections on his own soon. My friend was on his way to be the next big thing after his father.

“So? Roy, is there something which you haven’t told me? Is there something going on between you and that girl? Are you serious? You know the age difference and you are crazy man”.

“Whoa .Calm down. There is nothing going on for you to worry about this much. I noticed her that day and I saw her today. She was with another girl and she seemed happy and has got some flesh on her which I find as a good sign.”

“You are infatuated with a kid? You are nuts and what is special about her? She is a very ordinary girl and I cannot even think about comparing her with your other girlfriends. Well ex girlfriends… and wait is she the reason why you stopped dating? As far as I know you haven’t went out on a date for at least a year now. Roy you are in trouble brother. You need help. This is crazy”.

“I don’t have answers for most of your questions. I only know this much. I can’t forget about her and she is attracting me towards her in a very special way without even realizing it herself. I haven’t felt like this ever and this is confusing me as well. I am helpless and no, I haven’t talked to her yet and will not do so if I can help it. I know about the age difference and is aware about all that stuff and I also know that she is too young. But, I am not going to stop caring for her and I will be there for her whenever she needs my help. Don’t ask me anything more and I am not in a mood to argue with you. Not today. I am going to bed. I am tired and I have classes tomorrow also. Good night.”

I left J T at the kitchen counter muttering something under his breath. Well I don’t care. Let him do all the cursing he wants. I didn’t commit murder and asked him to cover it up for me. 

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