Chapter 9

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I was whistling and I knew that for someone else observing me, to find a hop in my gait will not take much effort. I was happy; I heard her admitting her feelings even though it was to Rhea. I had given her gift to Rhea by then; somehow I already knew what her answer would be. I suddenly wanted to thank J T for dragging me to that seminar years ago. It felt like, our meeting each other was already predetermined and no matter how we tried to stop it, it would have happened one way or the other.

What we both felt for each other was too strong to ignore and it was too powerful to not happen. I somehow knew deep in my mind that I would have met her at some point in my life. Now when I think about it, I used to feel restless in the company of my ex girlfriends and some of them used to mention it too. It was like something was not right with the whole set up.

 The first day I met her I had this sense of attraction but I was confused. The one thing I didn’t try to do was to resist the attraction. I simply couldn’t. I used to tell J T that I am too young to fall in love,  but now I understand that you cannot do anything about it when the right person comes to you at the right time. The only problem with the whole deal was that she was too young for some strong feelings like love, but she was much more mature in her views than a girl of my age. She was special, she was the special gift given to me by God. Here, I have started to talk like her. The influence of young love as J T calls it. Rhea said that we are like two pieces of puzzle which fits each other completely. That girl and her theories!!! I am glad that I met her; she came to me first asking for my name and other details on behalf of her friend. She helped us a lot and I cannot thank her enough for that.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn’t saw Alex sitting on the couch. I put all my things on the table and went straight to my room. After a long hot bath and not bothering to change the towel I had around my waist, wanting to grab a cup of coffee first, I walked into the kitchen and stopped dead. Alex was taking his time studying me; he looked so serious that I could feel an inquisition coming in full force. I mentally cringed at the thought of undergoing the torture. He was worse than J T, locking horns all day with hard headed people can leave a certain impression on your personality and that added to Alex’s serious nature was a bit concerning.

“Hi!  How was the drive? We were expecting you by 8. Guess you are too eager to meet your annoying young brother.”

“I had the day off and the person whom I am too eager to meet is you.”

“Ouch. That hurts brother.” J T came in holding his hands to his heart. Thank God, now I have got back up.

“Did you decide?” Trust Alex to cut straight to the point.

“Yes. I have decided to go. But only at the end of the year which means I will be here for three more months.”

“Why?” Alex asked.

“I have a job here and I can’t just pack up and leave. I have to do the responsible thing. Uncle agreed and said he will be expecting me only by then.”

“Teaching some kids and that too at a private institute is not much of a job.”

“Why? I am happy to do it and what is the problem with teaching?”

“What is the problem with you Alex? Just loosen up a bit.” J T tried to wedge into the conversation and I was thankful. Dealing with Alex when he looked as serious as he was right then was not a good idea.

J T deliberately tried to steer the conversation to neutral grounds such as the well being of my parents and things about business back home. Alex was giving me his serious look even while answering his brother. Something was in his mind and he was contemplating whether or not to ask me straight away or to store it for later. Anyway I would have to face it soon. So I decided to do it when J T was with us.

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