Chapter 12

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I could not move. The way Alex was standing there, ready to be in fight mode like a full stretched bow, his tall muscular frame quivering in anger, his head held up with the grace of a lion. Wow! It was a frightening sight. Only because of the brotherly concern I could see in his eyes when he looked at me prevented me from running away from there.

I had no idea how to get out of such situations without causing a scene and in my case that would be being pathetic with tears running down my cheeks. Only after meeting Roy has I changed from being a frightened lamb to a normal girl who can stand up for herself. He taught me that much and I loved him for that. His elder brother was standing right in front of me, ready to protect me from all danger.

I looked back to see what the current situation was and was not at all surprised to see my tormentors absence. Alex looking like that, was not an easy adversary and it's human instinct to keep one’s body safe and your subconscious will force you to take the right decision when the odds are against you. No other explanation came to my mind. I was still staring at Alex contemplating what to do or rather say when he thundered in a strong voice,

 “Which part of call me soon did you not understand Nina?”  

“I tried but you were busy and the lady who answered the phone didn’t even ask my name. I thought that I will try to call you later but…”

“Obviously that time is yet to come.” He completed and I cringed very visibly. To say that I was ashamed of my lack of confidence won’t be enough.

When he saw me looking down at my feet unable to look him in the eye, he breathed in deeply and then came near me slowly. He tipped my chin up with his fingers and said softly as if to soothe my jumbled nerves, “Go put your books in your room and come back soon, I am taking you out.”

“Okay. I will be back in a sec.” I ran to my room and was back in record time. He smiled at me and said.

“No wonder why Roy calls you his little bird. You are a fast little creature.”He said with affection patting my cheeks and I gave him one of my bright smiles in return. He led me to a very expensive looking car, the type which you will  keep looking at, forgetting everything when one passes near you.

“Wow what a nice car!!!” I said ogling the beauty.

“I will teach you to drive and one day you can drive it.” He said looking down at me and J T’s words flashed through my mind that he doesn’t show this caring side of his otherwise very serious personality to anyone else. Seeing him demonstrating it lifted my spirits.

I laughed and said “I can’t even walk properly on my own two feet and you are talking about me driving a car and that too something like this”, I gestured towards his car “You are very generous Alex.”

He laughed and that caught the attention of some of the people who were around us. College girls were drinking in his charm and good looks and of course the rich aura which he carried certainly added to the attraction.

“You certainly caught the attention of even the most studious types here.”

He flicked my nose and said “I am helpless my dear, this happens with me all the time”,  with a very pained expression and I couldn’t help but laugh till my stomach hurt and saw that he was smiling at me.

He took me to a restaurant and I couldn’t help noticing how everyone was trying to please him always. He asked me to order some solid food from the menu which I found very confusing and needed his help to find out which had chicken in it and which contained eggs and certain fish which I liked. He patiently explained everything and at last I gave up asking him to order something which had any of the above said items in it.

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