Chapter 28

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Alex and Rene returned and I was relieved to be back home with them. After my interesting night with Jordan, about which only two other people had the knowledge of, we both kept in touch through calls, emails, messages and secret meetings. I was thrilled each time I sneaked out to meet him like a teenager and I got attached to my phone, again a teenager trait which I avoided when I was one.

My change in tastes didn’t go unnoticed; if Uncle Samuel and Jenny supported me and helped me in my daring endeavors, Alex acted like he was unaware of everything but the cute couple from hell, Rhea and JT were very suspicious and they watched me like a hawks when they were able to keep their eyes and hands off each other.

We were working our butt off in the spell when my phone buzzed again. I jerked when I felt it in my pocket and both my friends noticed that. Rhea gave me a look, the one with her brow raised and I shrugged it off. I knew it very well that if I took my phone out once again, she will check it herself. Even though I had saved Jordan’s name as Devin, my favorite actor, I knew that she will get suspicious by the nature of the messages and the frequency of their appearance if she managed to get hold of it.

I was not a fool to let anything like that to happen and knowing JT he might already have asked her to watch me or to go through my phone or other personal items just to make sure that I was not seeing his enemy behind his back. He would have had a massive heart attack if he found out that his enemy was taking me to clubs, parties and movies and he even let me taste alcohol too, but with strict limitations. The last I couldn’t enjoy and I found the smell and taste of it revolting so my only alcoholic beverage of preference was wine which even Jordan approved.

I was also scared and sometimes, confused to think about where my friendship with Jordan would take me. I can’t let any foolish sentiments to come in between our friendship because thinking about that caused this feeling that I was betraying Roy and his memories. I will never allow that to happen, I promised Roy in my mind and it still hurt me to think about my past and how my dreams were destroyed. I met Mr. Mathews a couple of times and I liked to spent time with him. He never asked me to visit their home and I was happy to avoid or postpone the inevitable for a while longer.

One day I was watching an action thriller with Alex when his phone started ringing. When he didn’t try to get up from the couch I muted the t v.  I understood from his conversation that it was Roy’s Dad and I turned my attention back to the movie. My interest piqued when I heard Alex asking him, “What? Are you sure? I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I listened to Alex's side of the conversation shamelessly after that.

“No. I am not going to let that happen in our absence.”

“I will have to ask her but we all know what her answer will be.” With that line he turned to me and he was very serious.

“How is she now?”

“Okay. Do you think this is a good idea?”

“I will ask Rene and Nina. Yeah. I will call you after sometime.”

He ended the call and he was still looking at me debating whether to ask and how to start an obviously serious conversation about something relating to Roy and me. He cleared his throat.

“Hmm Nina, Uncle Richard wants you to visit him at his home.”

“Okay. If you are there with me then it’s alright.”

“Of course I will be there.”


“Tomorrow evening. Aunt Grace is asking about you a lot lately and she wants to meet you there.”

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