Chapter 13

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I had no idea that the next few days were going to be that interesting. The beautiful doctor always found time to visit our very lousy patient and he started showing his restlessness soon after. At first his condition forced him to accept the medicines and food without causing any issues but after two weeks he began to resist everything. One day I was visiting him after class when I heard angry voices inside the room. I slowly entered and saw a fuming Uncle Samuel looking daggers at his son while J T was standing near the window in a laid back manner enjoying the scene.

Alex obviously was fed up with his hospital visit and wanted to get discharged which his doctors refused. He did not want to take his medicines 'which were far worse than eating grass' according to him. He was stubborn about getting the hell out of there. I saw a nurse waiting patiently near the bed with his tablets in her hand. I took a deep breath and entered the war zone.

“Hi everyone. What’s going on?” I asked in a cheerful voice.

“The usual stuff. Alex, the superman is perfectly all right and he doesn’t need medicines to get well.” J T said, his words dripping with sarcasm. Sometimes it seemed like he was enjoying it too much and Alex  gave him a death glare which he shrugged off. Men!!!!

I slowly made my way towards his bed,  “Now you too don’t  even dare try to shower advice upon me if that is your intention.” Alex said with a very serious look.

I knew that pain and the feeling that he was chained to his bed was making him say such rude things. Personally I too didn’t like hospitals that much I could understand someone who has to be there for a while.

“Alex, please take the medicines.”  I told him sweetly and all I got was silence. When I saw the look he was giving everyone I knew I was not going to win easily. So I adopted idea number two.

“Alex, what do you think these medicines are for?”  Again silence.  “I think this is for normalizing your blood pressure and such. What do you think will happen if I take these?” That got me a fierce look. Hmmmm…………. but  his response was not enough.

“Okay then. Give me those” I extended my hand and the nurse gave the tablets to me with reluctance. I brought my hand slowly near my mouth praying silently 'Oh God this man is not showing any sign of relenting. Help me. I really don’t want to eat these.'

“Give me those damn things.” Ha! at last. 'Good work my girl' . I patted myself in my mind.

After enduring Alex’s cold treatment and his bare minimum responses to my questions after the medicine incident, I decided to go back.

JT followed me out.”You are good.” He said in a playful tone.


“You know, it’s not easy to make Alex do things which he doesn’t like, but you did it in a few seconds. Roy was right. You have some specialty in you which I am realizing slowly. But it’s strange how he knew that then itself. You guys are amazing.”

I blushed and he laughed seeing me doing so. We talked a bit and the beautiful Doctor appeared. She greeted us as usual giving me a strange look and entered his room. We were so curious that we decided to linger near the door. The mighty Alex was giving her too his cold shoulder.

“J T, we will have to do some work here also. What do you think?”

“If you are the one who is in the driver’s seat then I am in.” He said with a mischievous grin.

“Deal.” We shook hands and decided to do something about our stubborn Alex.

A couple of days later I was trying to talk to a very grumpy Alex when J T came into the room.

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