Chapter 6

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Time flew by and I had this feeling that a lot has changed in my life since I met him. One day we were at the institute and Rhea and I was talking at a quiet corner by the water cooler. Suddenly Rhea became serious.

“Here comes the villain of your life.” She said whlie straightening up.

I knew who it was and prepared myself for a confrontation. He came near us and said “So Miss deaf and dumb and the harridan are taking a break. Care to include us ordinary people also?”

I threw away my paper cup and turned to leave when he suddenly blocked my way. “Why are you leaving now? Don’t you like the way I talk? Even if you want to, you won’t do it. Miss deaf and dumb is too mild to retort. Aren’t you? By the way your ugly eyes give away your anger sweetheart.”

It was starting to get ugly and I know that if I stayed there any longer he will make a scene which was his only hobby lately.

I was about to move away from that creature when I heard Rhea saying  “Keep away from her you swine. I know why you are insulting her like this. This is starting to get very irritating. She has no interest in you or in your nasty games. If you don’t stop behaving like the brat you are, you are going to get hurt. I assure you that much.”

“Oh! And who is going to hurt me? You? I would really like the feel of your hands on my body. Come on, hit me…” he was walking towards Rhea and I was about to open my mouth when I saw Roy standing near us looking very mad.

“If you don’t keep your hands near your body and your tongue in your filthy mouth, you are going to find yourself in some serious situations which won’t be a pleasure for you to deal with. I will make sure you won’t enter this institution again in your future. Do you understand?”

Even though he said that in a normal voice I knew that he was very angry and an angry Roy was a bit frightening. He was looming over that boy and I enjoyed the way that stupid was cowering. He stammered an “Yes sir” and tried to move away when Roy said

“Not that easily mister. Apologize to these girls first and then get lost.”

The stupid uttered a barely audible sorry and backed away. I was relieved and I smiled at Roy who was looking at us with a very serious expression. He was about to say something when the bell indicating the start of our next class rang and Rhea uttered a 'Thank you sir' and we made our way back to our class.

Rest of the day went uneventfully and Rhea and I was about to leave the building when she suddenly exclaimed that she forgot her books in the class and rushed to retrieve them. She asked me to wait by the door.

I was standing there when I saw Roy talking to a familiar looking person near the footpath. That was the person who was with him at the seminar, the young politician, whose name I forgot. I made a mental note to ask Rhea his name and soon she was back huffing and puffing. I gestured her to look at where they were standing and Rhea looked right at them. They were also looking at us and from the way Roy was behaving, I guessed they were discussing about the incident that happened earlier.

Rhea smiled at them and waved at Roy who returned the favor. She pointed towards the train station and he nodded his head.

“What’s his friend’s name?”

“J T. He thinks that his name is a rhyming one so he likes everyone to use his initials.”

“How do you know this?”

“I read it in a magazine.  He and his family are really hot-shot. One among them is interviewed in every six months or so. They are that famous. He has a brother who works with Roy’s father, who owns a construction company. He is an engineer or architect or something like that. You should see him girl. He is gorgeous. All three of them are. You are lucky.”

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