Chapter 31

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A familiar but annoying sound woke me up and the instant my eyes opened I knew that it was not my room or Alex’s house even. I closed my eyes again and took in a deep breath and unconsciously snuggled more into the body next to me. I heard a chuckle and a shy smile escaped my lips. The last thing I remember was talking to him while sitting in front of the fireplace.

“It’s a good thing that your rug is comfortable enough and my pillow was okay. How was yours?” I was teasing him because the said pillow was his chest.

“You little tease…. My neck is in pain and you are enjoying this?”

I tried to sit up but was prevented by Jordan’s arms which tightened around my waist. I braced my arms on his chest and looked up at his face to see him smiling. He gave me a quick kiss, “Good morning dear. I like waking up like this with you in my arms.”

“You don’t seem to be in that much pain mister.” My phone started to ring again and realization hit me like thunder.I was supposed to be home yesterday evening. I hadn't even called them to inform them where I was. My eyes widened and I pushed myself off him but was glad to find that I was fully dressed except the lack of my shoes. He too seemed to have his pants still on even though he was shirtless. My eyes drank in the beauty of his naked upper part and heard him chuckling again.

“I hope you are enjoying the view quite well Nina.” I bit my lips and turned away running towards my bag and took the call at last. I cringed seeing Alex’s number flashing and said a silent prayer before attending it.

“Good morning Alex.”

“Do you have any plans to come back any time soon?”

“I…I… I’ll be there soon. I am sorry Alex.”

“For what? I wasn’t scolding you Nina, I just…..”

“Oh this is very awkward. I will tell you everything when I get back and you can shout at me all you want then.”

“You are not a teenager Nina; you are an adult who is perfectly capable of taking the right decisions in your life. If you want to be with Jordan, it’s fine with me. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. That’s all and I called you because I miss you, even Rene feels the same. This house is not the same without you in it and our morning sucks without seeing your smile.”

“Oh Alex! I will be there in an hour okay? And I will brighten your morning with my very ugly smile.”

I heard them laughing through the phone and I too couldn’t stop smiling. Suddenly I felt two strong arms circling me and I let my body relax into his. He kissed my shoulder and began to kiss my neck and I hissed. I heard Alex clearing his throat at the other end “Okay then. See you soon dear and tell that man that if he dare hurt my sister I will make him pay for it very painfully.”

“Okay Alex. Bye.”

I turned to the man in question and saw him looking at me with a mischievous smile. “You mister, you should at least behave when I am talking to my brother.”

“Your brother knows very well about my feelings for you and believe me he will be restless right now.”

“Hmmm and he said that he will make you pay if you hurt his sister.”

“Oh really?”


“He is going to hate me thoroughly when I make you mine.” I stiffened hearing his words and looked at him with surprise.

“What did you think about me Nina? That all this is some silly fling? No sweetheart I was attracted to you when I first saw you and then that attraction grew when I got to know you better. I began to like you a lot and now I am absolutely head over heels for you.”

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