Chapter 23

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I just got the most relieving news of the decade and I was about to express my gratitude when I heard my phone ringing. It was Alex and my brother doesn’t call me unless there was something serious to talk about. Considering the fact that Nina was currently staying with him and that girl always got into situations which can be considered serious, I took the call on its second or third ring itself.

“JT, come to my office as soon as you can.”

“Whoa brother, what’s the matter?”

“Just meet me as soon as possible and I will tell you.”

“Okay. I will be there in half an hour. Is it about her?”

“Just do as I say JT.” He cancelled the call with that. This man should get some serious therapy. Irritating fellow. I thought.

I looked at Rhea who was looking at me with her brows raised. Here was another Porcupine to deal with.

“So darling, since we have already eliminated the threat of us being prospective parents I think our problem is solved for now. Alex called and I need to get there as soon as possible. I just wish that your best friend has been out of trouble today.”

“What? Did he say anything?”

“No and that’s what is troubling me. Alex is usually to the point kind of man and his asking me to meet him urgently gets me thinking that Nina might have gotten herself into something. He won’t get all riled up like this just for anyone. So I better get going. I will drop you off at the shop.”

I was lost in my thoughts and Rhea too was unusually quiet.

“Rhea, did something happen yesterday? With Nina I mean.”

She played with her fingers a bit and I already knew what the answer was.

“Yes. She dreamed about Roy and started to cry at three in the morning. It was not in her usual voice, this was raw with pain and hoarse that it pierced straight into my heart. We all rushed into her room. Since Alex prohibited her from locking her door, we entered and found her trying to grab on to the air asking him to stay with her and not to leave her again. Alex had to shake her awake when she didn’t even after putting the lights on. God! JT, I couldn’t even talk and seeing her like that broke my heart. I have to agree that your brother is taking good care of her and without the both of them near her I just can’t even imagine how or where she might have ended up.”

I gasped hearing it. Yesterday was not a good day for her. That entire trauma might have shaken her up and dreaming of Roy. God!!! I can’t even imagine something like that. Alex can’t take care of her like this after his marriage. He too should enjoy his honeymoon. Even if they were leaving only after a couple of days after the ceremony, I should take some responsibility myself too. I will take her with me and Dad; he was supposed to reach here today evening. If my guess was right, then he will be here for some time. He needed to do his yearly check up and all that. I decided to discuss it with him today itself. But I already knew that he will only be too happy to hear about it and he himself will go and get her. That way Alex won’t resist much.

Rhea gave me a detailed recollection of Nina’s dream and my own eyes filled up hearing those. Another memory flashed through my mind. Roy mentioned something about helping me in forcing her to move on with her life. I told Rhea about it and she was not even surprised. We actually had a real conversation that day and I found myself enjoying it too much. Maybe I should give us a chance. I decided to think about it later.

I dropped her off at the shop and went to meet Alex. I checked Uncle Richard’s office first. When I found it unoccupied, I proceeded towards Alex’s. After Roy’s death Aunt Grace was having a lot of health issues and Uncle Richard was busy juggling office and taking care of her.

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