Chapter 26

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Jordan Xavier, my worst enemy was here attending the wedding reception of my brother. The way he looked at Nina was creepy. She was not his fucking dinner for him to look at her like that. I almost shouted at him those word but had to refrain from doing so. After my rendezvous with Rhea I saw him dragging her to meet his parents. So the whole Xavier clan was there and what the hell was he thinking about achieving by orchestrating this ‘meeting’. I knew him well, too well unfortunately to guess his ulterior motives and whatever he was doing  gave me indigestion.

Nina was not yet ready to move on with her life and this crowd was not the right place for such a charade. Almost ninety percent of the people attending this function were all pretenses and nothing solid underneath. Most were here to acquire more clients or to meet prospective lovers or to show off the glitters the rich had in tons with them. There were only a couple of true people in there and the best among them was Nina. That very innocent girl was right now with the vilest and corrupted gentleman in God’s entire creation. What I’d really like to do now was to start with his already broken nose once more, breaking every possible bone in his body for trapping Nina in his web.

I was lost in my fantasy too much and didn’t saw Rhea coming towards me “Why are you looking at them like this?”

 “I gave Alex my word that I will keep Nina in my sight and I am thinking about how to get her out from the grip of that ‘man’.”

She followed my eyes and smiled when she saw what was happening. That stupid was introducing her to his parents and his hands…… I fisted my hands when I saw that. This was all going to end very very badly and I was sure of that. Nina was going to get hurt and that creature was going to do it without even batting his eyelids. I had to do something to end it right then. Only if it was not the venue of the reception of my brother’s wedding I’d have already acted on my instincts.

“Calm down J T. He is a good looking man in his prime who is very strongly attracted to our Nina. It’s high time for something like this to happen in her life. If no one forces her into a relationship at this point, I seriously doubt she will ever get involved in one.”

“I am not against her getting involved with a man but not with that creature over there. You don’t know him Rhea, he will hurt her. If I am right then he is doing this to get to me. He is trying to get revenge through her which I will never allow.”

“What are you talking about J T? What revenge? Please tell me what is eating at you and if you are right, if he is trying to hurt her then I promise I will help you in keeping him away from her.”

“Not here, Rhea. Once we get back home I will tell you everything. But I want you to make sure that Jordan Xavier never gets a minute of Nina’s time from now on. Do you understand?”


That relieved me a lot. I knew Rhea and that was sure that she will keep Nina out of danger. After all she threatened Roy when they first met to keep her friend from getting hurt. But the situation here was bad, if Roy was an Angel then Jordan Xavier was the Satan himself. He fights hard and dirty.

I saw Nina walking away from the group which included my Dad and Uncle Richard. I was sure that Mrs. Xavier gave Nina her classic cold treatment. Margaret Xavier was very famous for her ‘emotionless’ character trait and I was sure Nina will not be comfortable in her company.

I didn’t waste a single moment, I couldn’t mess up this function by causing a scene with him, but I can prevent that by making sure that he doesn’t get a chance to be near her again. I already messed up once and I was not a fool to repeat my mistakes again.

I walked briskly towards her with Rhea following me and before Jordan got a chance to excuse himself from his group, I caught up with her.


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