Chapter 30

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I loved weekends and I was reading a book and was lost in it when I heard the door to my room being opened forcefully and saw a fuming Rhea marching towards me. I could smell another fight between her and J T and she was there to complain about his lack of interest in her again. I bookmarked the page and kept it away and turned my full attention to her.

“Now what did he did now Rhea?”

“Your brother is a complete jerk.”

“You mean your fiancé is a jerk Rhea? Then why did you agree to marry him?”

“You evil little woman, you are supposed to be on my side.”

“Okay sorry, tell me what happened.”

“He brushed me off when I tried to call him and he keeps on doing that, you know?”

“He will be busy Rhea; you knew what you were getting into when you fell in love with him. After wining the elections, his responsibilities has increased and marrying a politician is not easy, you too will have to make adjustments.”

“I am ready to make adjustments but he hasn’t talked to me in three days and it’s hurting me.”

“Oh dear, I will call him as soon as possible and will give him an earful for avoiding you okay? Now cheer up.”

“Call him now, I need to hear it and then I will be happy.” I knew it from her look that she won’t budge until I carried out my threat. So I called his assistant. He told me that J T will be free soon and he will call me back in a minute. I tried to calm her down saying this and that and my phone started ringing. When she found that it was JT and he called me back that soon her face dropped.

“Nina, baby how are you?”

“I am fine. Now tell me why your fiancée is here looking gloomy and plotting painful ways to murder you.”

“Rhea came to you? Hmmmm…. we had a fight, she started it and stopped attending my calls so I did the same when she tried to call me when her hot head cooled down.”

“What are you? Little children to fight like this? Look JT I don’t want to know the reason for your fight, I know it’s not easy to tolerate my friend here either and I know that you are very busy these days and everything but still both of you should start behaving like the adults you are. You knew how she is like when she gets upset and yet you fell for her, didn’t you? And you also know that she won’t stay angry for long and is now in the verge of crying. Look JT she is my friend I won’t tolerate you treating her like this, okay?”

“You should help me write my speeches Nina. You will make a wonderful politician one day if you are interested.”

“Very funny JT. I am not interested, now get serious and solve whatever problems you’ve got in your paradise. You should take the lead here and she is waiting for you to call her and is not even eating or sleeping properly.”

“Oh! I didn’t want her to feel that bad. I am sorry, I will call her soon. So how are you dear?

“I am fine and when will you be back? I miss you.”

“Soon dear, maybe next week so that I can attend Uncle Richards’s birthday party and don’t tell Rhea this, I want to surprise her.”

I made a sad face and looked at Rhea who was listening to our conversation eagerly.

“Look Nina, I need to go now. Will call you later okay? Take care. Bye.”

With that he was gone and Rhea jumped at me right then. “What did he say?”

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