Chapter 14

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Nina. Thinking about her filled me with a rare energy. Saying her name and remembering her smile made my day and that’s how I survived all those days away from them all….. almost three and a half years away from my love. Alex sometimes thunders at me through phone asking how the hell I was managing a life without having any kind of contact with her.

She had already won him over, he was the most serious person whom I have ever seen in my life, who cannot be forced or manipulated to do anything which he didn't want, who always got  whatever he wanted in life…. yet she had him wrapped around her little finger and that too within a few seconds after meeting him for the first time. I could understand the reason for that. Her innocence captures your attention and her pride will bend your knees and her smile will make your day and her strength will make you respect her. All those features in a single woman who looked very vulnerable at first sight will invoke in you a kind of protectiveness and in my case extreme possessiveness.

She had this rare beauty which shined from inside her. Well according to Alex and JT she had changed a lot; my beautiful little bird has grown up to become a gorgeous beauty. Alex declared that she was his sister and even Uncle Samuel agreed with him. She had won their hearts already without even putting in any effort and I knew that Nina simply being herself was capable of winning over my entire family. According to J T,  Alex was always there to support her, help her with her studies and he even took her out!!! I just couldn’t believe Alex doing such things for someone else. He even kept my competition away from her. That I liked very much and I will always be indebted to Alex for that.

 He had to pull some strings to get her admission in a nearby college, which only three of us were aware of and in a way that’s good. My brothers could keep her near them and she will be always under their watch. No one would be able to come near her without either of them knowing about it and given her clumsiness and her knack to attract danger that relieved me a lot. I talk to both J T and Alex almost every day and every single time they will have something to tell me about her. Nina did this, she did that, she blushed like a beetroot when we teased her about you and so on…..

She even settled Alex’s love life. I hope this new character Rene was okay with his friendship with my girl. It’s natural for women to feel jealous and threatened when their boyfriends showed love and concern for some other girl. Knowing Alex it will be her loss if she tried to do something about it. J T told me Rene was a good person and she knew that Alex love Nina like a sister and Alex even told her that he will always be there for Nina and that their relationship will only work if she accepted Nina. After hearing that my respect for Alex grew again if that was possible. I never expected him to treat her like that. She even forced him to take medicines when he was admitted in the hospital. What a girl she was.

J T comes to meet me whenever he was in the state. He showed me videos and photos of her. It  was like watching her growing up through their eyes. I have saved each and every one of them in my phone and before sleep claimed me, I  would watch it again and again. The last time when I met him I asked him for her number. He gave it to me but also said that she doesn’t use her phone often and don’t even charges it regularly. That girl needed some solid advice to make her use a phone properly. No problem I will be there to do that soon. My transfer orders were ready and I will be return home soon. I will be with her in a couple of days and no one in this whole world could  guess my happiness.

I decided that I will take her out on dates, I will be able to touch her body, her long beautiful hair which I love, kiss her eyes, her lips, her neck…….my imagination knew no bounds whenever I used to think about her. She was like a drug which took my self control away from me. It was her age which forced me to keep my distance but  that too was not going to be a  problem anymore. The thought that I was her first lover, the only person who will touch her, kiss her, the only one who will make love to her was quite an addicting one. She was soon  going to be mine and mine only.

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