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Dedicated to each and everyone of you.......... for your support and love

A year and a half later

“Nina, did you saw my wristwatch?”

“Yes. It’s there in your study.”

“Nina, where are my keys?”

“It’s right here in the living room table along with your wallet.”

That man was driving me crazy. Why can’t he keep his things where they should be kept and how did he survive all these years without my help? I muttered under my breath.I was in the kitchen lending a hand to our very busy housekeeper.

“Jordan, what are you doing there? Breakfast is ready and I am not going to let you leave without having some.”

I was about to turn when I felt two strong arms around my middle and he kissed my cheek. I tried to get away from him because Annie, our housekeeper was right there a few feet away from us.

He chuckled seeing my struggle and said  “Annie you don’t mind me kissing my wife here, do you?”

She was in her late forties and turned her head to us and said “Kiss her all you want young man. But make it brief so that you have enough time to eat at least some of those which she made for you.”

He did right that and I blushed thinking about what he did to me a few hours ago. “Don’t you get bored of doing this?” I whispered.

“Never sweetheart.” He took my hands and walked towards the dining table.

“You are fine right? No swellings in your feet and what about your back?” He was concerned about my health after that accident.

“Stop fretting over me like this Jordan. I am fine.”

“Hmmm good. So I will be back by six and we can leave together for Alex’s barbeque night.”

“Okay.” He stood after eating in a rushed manner. He kissed my head and left in a hurry.

I too got up to leave for the spell after eating leisurely. Jenny and Rhea both were already there. As usual it was a very busy day and we somehow managed it among ourselves.

When we entered Alex’s house everyone was there and the ladies were standing around a very charming one year old Benjamin Roy Thomas. I too went straight to him and took him up in my arms and put a noisy wet kiss on his chubby cheek. The little boy squealed with joy.

Rhea and J T were discussing something in a corner and Alex, Dad and Uncle Samuel were in the back yard arguing about how to cook properly. Jordan was circling them at a safe distance and I knew that it won’t be long before he too was dragged into it.

“It’s going to be a year soon and look at you, still ogling the man like you just met him.” Rene teased me.

“Look at who is teasing me, you Mrs. Thomas you still look at your husband like you want to eat him up….again and again…”

We were teasing each other when Mom came near us. “It’s good to see you happy like this Nina but you should visit us more often, we all miss you dear.”

“I know but what can I do? Taking care of him and the spell takes up my time. But I do visit you as often as I can manage it.”

“Because you are the official babysitter and Ben’s Godmother I can’t complain but Alex grumbles sometimes that Jordan is purposefully keeping you away.” Rene said while rolling her eyes.

“Come on Rene. I call him every day even if I can’t visit him.”

“I know dear. Now what are they doing over there? They’ve been eating each other’s ears for quite some time now.” Rene said gesturing towards Rhea and J T.

“Oh. I hope they are not in the middle of another fight.”

We were stealing glances at them when they both looked at us and saw what we were doing. Both began to walk towards us.

J T cleared his throat “We want to tell you guys something special.” Ben made a sound pointing his hands at J T. He took him in his hands.

“We are going to add a new member to the family in around six  or seven months.” We all began to talk at once. Every one congratulated the happy couple and I hugged Rhea.

“Congrats my friend. But you kept it even from me?”

“The signs were there and Jenny gave me the hint. We confirmed it just today and with him here I thought that I’ll give my husband the honor of telling everyone.”

“It’s okay Rhea. I am very happy for you and J T.”

The men began to pour in after hearing all the cheering going on and Rhea and J T was again hugged and congratulated by the rest.

Jordan came near me and put his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Look at them, they are so happy.”

“Hmmm they are.”

“I think we too should also start thinking about…" he kissed my neck "…you know…”

“Yes and we have to practice a bit.”

“I love the sound of it. I am ready. What about you?”

“Anything you want.” I turned to face him and kissed him. “I love you.”

“Please keep saying those words because I like hearing it very much. Love you too nightingale.”

“Hey lovebirds stop pecking each other and come on, it’s time for dinner.” J T yelled and everyone laughed.

I looked around the dining table and couldn’t stop smiling at what a happy picture we all made. J T was trying to feed Rhea something. Roy’s parents were talking and smiling at each other. Uncle Samuel was looking like he won the lottery. Rene and Jordan was engaged in some serious discussion and little Ben was sitting in his baby chair nibbling on something under his father's watchful eyes. Everyone looked happy and content.

Rhea and J T were married as soon as I was able to stand on my own without any help and after a few months it was our turn. I was a little tensed because of the difference that existed between Jordan and his Mother, but his father and sister made everything easy for me. I never even dreamed that one day I will be sitting among these people who loved me very much.

Life till now was quite a journey; time taught me how to love and how to accept lose. It showed me there were good as well as bad people in this world and gave me the lesson that we can’t please everyone. Among it all it took me here, where I really belong.

I won’t say that life was fair because it gave me a new hope in Roy and almost killed me when it took him away, and that was unfair. But I gained a family and their love because of it. My grandmother used to say that you will have to lose something  inorder to gain something. What I gained or the most valuable thing I gained was Jordan. He taught me that I can love again and that too to such an extent that I never even thought I was capable of.

The most important thing I learned in my life was how strong an emotion Love is. It gives you pain, it gives you happiness, it shows you everything in a good way and it takes you to where you belong. I know that I have a long journey in front of me; I can’t say what new insights it will give me but….

Suddenly I felt someone touching me and found Jordan slipping his hands to hold mine. We interlaced our fingers and he gave a small squeeze which I gave back.

What my future holds for me, I don’t know. But I know one thing, let good things happen or bad things we will face it together. We were each other’s strength, we were each other’s madness and ultimately we were each other’s LOVE.

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