Chapter 32

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When I got a message from Jordan that he was back from his trip, I decided to visit him after closing the shop. The second his door opened, I was pulled inside and the next thing I knew my back was pressed against the door and he was kissing me.After a while, when I felt that I needed to breathe to remain alive, I pushed him back and took in some deep breaths.

“Wow, What a way to greet your guests.”

“Only you get such a greeting nightingale.”

“Hmmm… I am starving. Feed me something boyfriend.”

“I will order something. What do you want?”

“Please don’t. Some noodles will do and if you want I can make some omelette.”

“I will help you.”

With that he took me to his well stocked kitchen and in half an hour, had a stomach full of food. After cleaning the mess we made he took me to his bedroom and we decided to watch something on his T V.

I was lying on his bed with my head on his chest while he was surfing through some channels when I decided to break into the sensitive topic which was nagging my mind for some time.

“Jordan, will you do something if I ask you to?”

“I will try my best.”

“Tomorrow at the party…..”

“If you are worried about J T and me, then I am giving you my word, I will not make a scene but I can’t promise you anything if he tries to test my patience. I am human after all.”

“I don’t think he will deliberately try to make a scene there but I have this feeling that he will try to talk to you. He knows about us and you know him. He is just a little hot headed when it comes to those he loves. Please don’t provoke him.”

He took my hands in his and kissed it. “No I won’t. Are you happy now?”

“Yes.” And I kissed him. As usual it didn’t take much longer for that kiss to change into some fierce make out session and as usual I tried to have my way with him which he prevented.

I know that he too was very aroused and his harsh breathing and the clenching of his jaw makes it clear that he had to take all his control to stop himself from tasting the temptation. This made me angry and I pushed him off me.

“What is the problem with you Jordan? Why do you  always stop before anything can happen? I want it and I know how bad your situation is, you can’t hide it even if you try.”

He rolled over and pinned me down with him looming over me. “I know that and I am going mad with desire but I have to baby.”

“What the hell.”

“You are not yet ready for making love Nina.”

“How do you know that? I want you.”

“You want sex. You want my body and you want to know how it feels like but you are not ready to give me what I want.”

“You are confusing me Jordan. What do you mean by that?”

“You are still keeping your feelings tightly locked within you Nina. When I make love to you I want your body and soul, I want you to feel what I feel for you. I want to see your love reflecting on your eyes.”

“Please stop this Jordan. I am telling you now and here that I want you. I like you and I….”

“That is the problem Nina. This is your lust which is making you say these things. I want your love. I want it all.”

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