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Potato~Chan:- opens letter-
Hehehehe he
-aphmau grabs it-
Aphmau: hehehehehe -reads it-
-potato and Aph look at each other-
Aphmau: GARROTH!
-both come running-
Garroth: yes lord aphmau?
Laurance: yes my beautiful potato
-laurance bows and kisses potato'shand-
Potato: -devilish grin-
Aphmau: -pushes garroth and laurance together making them kiss-
-girls laugh histerically-
Laurance: WHY!?
Potato: it was a dare from madison_fama0122 she said she dares us to kiss someone from the same gender and me and Aphmau picked you two -laughs so hard-
-garroth and laurance pout and walk in seperate directions-

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