Boattrip part 2

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Last time on mcd boat trip
Fish, laurance, potato, and Zane went on a boat trip Laurance tried to kiss fish and she said no Travis was the captain and fish tried to make Zatato share a bed
Zane: well I'm going to go get some food.
Potato:I'm going to come too-they both leave to get food and fish goes in her bedroom and reads a book-
Laurance:-comes down and knocks on fish's room- which room is mine?
Fish: that one- points at middle room-
Laurance:thanks-brings bags in room-
[meanwhile up on the deck]
Travis: hey can one of you two take the wheel? I need to do something...
Zane: I will -he takes the wheel-
Travis: thanks- goes downstairs and sees fish reading a book so he knocks- sorry if I'm interrupting but I was wondering....
Fish:-comes to door- yes?
Travis:-he blushes- if you want to go out sometime?
Fish: I don't know... I'm pretty busy, I have to make sure nothing stands in the way of Zatato.
Travis: just... Think about it. Okay?
Fish:ok-is shocked- well I'm going to go back to the book. Bai...-hugs him and closes the door-
Travis:-thinks- at least she touched me
-laurance goes back up to the deck and he sees potato looking out-
Laurance: you seem relaxed
Potato:-startled- you scared me! And yeah. I miss being out at sea and the fact I can go home makes it even better, I just hope my family will like Zane. Especially my brother
Laurance: you and KAWAII~chan have a brother!?
Potato: yes. His name is madron~chan. Kawaii~chan picked our last name by the way. She is the oldest. By a year.
Laurance: and I'm guessing you're the youngest?
Potato:yes. They are my family. When I say parents I mean him and his wife. I mean KAWAII~chan was the caretaker but she mainly provided for us and he mainly took care of me. My family is a long story...
Laurance: yeah... I understand you probably don't want to talk about it...
Potato: -is sitting on rail facing out and slips backwards, laurance catches her- sorry about that
Laurance: no problem.-looks at her-
Potato: put me down now.-he puts her down- thanks
-he kisses her and she pushes away and sees Zane standing there eyes watering-
Zane: why...-he looks mad but he's crying-
Potato: it's not what it looks like-she runs toward him and tries to hug him but he pushes away and punches Laurance-
Laurance: -on floor- I'm sorry but it was a spur of the moment thing. It meant nothing-Zane grabs him by the shirt-
Zane:-whispers in his ear- don't ever touch her again unless she's about to die. You understand?
Laurance:-gulps- yes...
Potato:-comes behind Zane and hugs him- please. Don't hurt him anymore
(Laurance has a bruse on his cheek)
Zane: -looks at her- do you love him?
Potato: no I love you!-she is grabbing tight on him- I just don't like violence...
Zane:-puts Laurance down and hugs her back- I love you too-he kisses her forehead
A/N: hey guys potato and the kiss and Travis asking out fish was all swimming10fish ideas! Fish helps a lot with this book and she started just texting me ideas that aren't really a dare or truth just ideas and it helps a lot. The picture is potato and Zane. Comment ideas and truth or dares for shout outs and them doing them so yeah keep being awesome and I love you potato army! Also check out fish's books

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