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Everyone needs to write a short story but zane's can't be evil(yes I'm going after Zane. Why? I will not let you take my position as evil)

Zane:why hate me? When we can team >:D
Potato:ZANE! I told you, no evil smiles!
Milos:let him be him
Zane and potato:GO AWAY MILOS
Milos:actually... It says EVERYONE
potato:dammit! Fine. I'm glad we got switched back to normal.
Zane:otherwise, Charlie would of had to date Milos -potato makes a face that looks deadly-
Potato:don't speak of that!
Zane:okay. So I guess we should make this into different parts.
Potato:well that makes sense
Milos:and people should comment who they want to read.
Potato:SHUT UP MI-
Zane:actually, that's not a bad idea.
Comment who's short story you want to read.

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