The Date prt 2

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Zane: I'm glad she's gone. She's way too much like the old me, it's scary....
Potato: soooo Zane, when will I meet your parents? Technically you've met mine.
Garroth:OOH mommy will be soooo happy Zane has a girlfriend.
Aphmau:-laughs- she always thought he was socially awkward and that he was lonely. Once she even thought me and him were together and we had to pretend
Garroth: ggrrrr
Zane:garroth was NOT happy, but like we say: anything thing for her.
Aphmau:hey, is that Zianna right now!?-turns around-
Garroth:where!?-turns around and waves-
Zianna:EEEEKKKKK-runs over to table and sits at empty chair-
Zane:-hides under table and pulls potato under also-
Zianna:HEY APHMAU!!! Aw my little gar gar, ARE YOU AND APHMAU DATING!?
Aphmau:-blushes- yes....
Zianna:you aren't pretending, are you?
Zianna:why are there two empty seats?
Aphmau:empty? Zane should be sitting in one and po--- -garroth covers her mouth
Zane:-sighs and gets up- hi mom.....
Zianna:why is there an empty seat? If there is three of you shouldn't you get a four people table not six?
Garroth:Zane has something to tell you....
Zianna:yes ZUZU?
Zane:thanks a lot garroth..... So mom.....
Zianna:z-z-Zane is this true?-he nods- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH my little ZUZU! Where is she?!
Zane:come back up
Potato:-pops up-HAI!!!
Zianna:AWWW she's so pretty-plays with her hair- what's you're name?
Zianna:that's your real name?
Potato:maybe it is maybe it isn't.
Zianna:can I call you (pronounced Katie with a t) Tati?
Zianna:great! So Tati, how did you and Zane get together?
Aphmau:me and a friend's master plan.
Zianna:oohhh do tell-lets go of potato's hair and listens-
Aphmau:well, through a question someone asked who Zane likes. He said potato and only I knew. I found out potato liked him back and so I set up a party. Someone dared to play spin the bottle and I told everyone but those two that when one of them spins the bottle everyone gets out of the circle. Well it was a costume party and so potato was dressed like a tardis and she came in looking so pretty in the dress and I don't remember who but one of them spinned the bottle and everyone moved so they kissed and ended up together.
Zianna:OMG THATS SO CUTE. Hey so I have to ask. How's pea?
Aphmau:he's great! He got his own house in bright port which is very close to our village, we just have to ride a tiny boat to get there.
Zianna: that's nice. Maybe he will move into pheonixdrop, any single ladies?-giggles-
Aphmau:yes, not a lot but yes.
Garroth:mommy how is daddy?
Zianna:on a cruise for work. So is that girl Kaitlyn still available? Her and my little pea would be cute together
Potato: she's single but I don't think she wants a relationship. If she does her and Barry have been hitting it off but he can't make up his mind he likes how independent and strong Kaitlyn is, but he likes how cuddly and crafty cadenza is.
Zianna: what would you call him?
Potato:my friend.
Garroth:she means personality, and he's nice and strong. Well that's what I would say.
Zane: so that means he could be with either one.
Aphmau:I'm on team cadenza
Potato:me too
Garroth:I think Kaitlyn
Zane:yeah, Kaitlyn needs something in her life to calm her down.
Zianna:is gargar and ZUZU agreeing?
Garroth:for once, yeah.
Zane:uh oh, I think I'm sick.
Potato:-feels his head- no fever.
Zane:-blushes- maybe we should head home.-they get up- love you mom-kisses her cheek-
Potato:nice meeting you!-hugs- ciao~ -walks out with Zane-
Zianna: I love how ZUZU has a girlfriend but do their personalities Match or fit together?
Garroth:well potato is sweet, hyper, social, sometimes obnoxious and nurturing.
Zianna:it's not nice to call people obnoxious! Everything else about her sounds like a child.
Garroth:she pretty much is. She's actually one of the youngest of our friends. She's turning 22 soon.
Aphmau:zane's personality is cold, antisocial, shy, high-tempered and Sometimes obnoxious.
Zianna:APHMAU! I'll just ignore that last one. But they are pretty opposite.
Garroth:yes but they are perfect. Potato has changed him so much he's gotten better.
Zianna:that's good. Well I better get going. So good to see you again Aphmau.-hug-
Aphmau:you too zianna.
Garroth:bye mommy-hug-
Zianna:bye gargar!-leaves-
Potato:-comes back to table- is she gone?
-both come back-
Zane:I really didn't want to be with mom, she was asking a lot of questions.
Potato:once I knew that's what he was doing i made us turn around.
Garroth:well-stands up- I'm disappointed in you Zane, but I have something to say.
Garroth:Aphmau,I love you and this double date wasn't as bad as I thought. I love spending every second of everyday with you and I have to ask-he kneels down on one knee and pulls out a little box-will you marry me?-opens box-
Aphmau:-shocked tears falling- y-y-yes! Yes! I will! I love you!-hugs and kisses-
Potato:-hyperventilating- I...need...a...bag.....
-potato grabs bag and breathes into it so much it brakes-
Potato:-passes out
From happiness-
Zane:-catches her- congrats brother. I'm gonna take her home.good night.-he leaves with her in his arms bridal style-
HEY EVERYONE!! Shock ending right? And I can't believe zianna ships vylad X Kaitlyn!! Don't forget to comment your character on the the previous part!! Ciao~

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