Wedding prt 2

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Potato:only 2 days until the wedding and I've been offered the trip to Love~ Love~ Paradise. I don't know who I'll bring but I can't worry about that right now.-walks to her house and sees Aphmau-
Potato: great news! The caters are ready and everything seems to be in order.
Aph: great! This will be amazing.-she
Smiles and they talk for a while- well I got to go have the final fitting of the dress so Bai!-she leaves and potato also goes to zane's-
Potato:hey Zane!
Zane:hey! -he lets her in and they talk-
Potato:I can't wait for the wedding, it's going to be amazing!
Zane:yeah! And I can't wait to dance with you and then go to vacation.-he kisses her cheek and potato yawns-
Potato:yeah. I'm tired and I'm too lazy to go home. Can I stay here?
Zane:sure. Want to sleep on the bed?
Potato: wherever is fine.-she yawns again and he carries her to the bed and places her down-
Zane:good night
Potato:good night
-sleeps and Zane sleeps on couch-
I know this is really short but I'm supposed to be packing for a trip to Texas and I didn't know what else to write. Also I'm having trouble on what should happen. After the garmau wedding this book will sadly end, but there might be a second one. The thing is, it's between 2 different endings so I don't know which one to do and they are both completely different. One of them they go to love~love paradise and the other potato might run away. Comment which one you want to happen and the majority will happen! Love you all and ciao~

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