Trip part 7-funeral

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Last time on trip, Sophie was killed possibly by Charlie, Charlie is Eather a shadow knight or a demon, potato is on an emotional roller coaster, and milos dissapeared?
(Funeral, KAWAII is here but doesn't know milos is, and there is a mysterious girl in a hooded overcoat with her face covered-
KAWAII: hey potato~chan!
Potato: hey! Oh Uhm something has come to mind other than the death and charlie....
KAWAII: what is it?
-milos walks behind KAWAII and potato points behind her-
Potato: him.-KAWAII turns around and smiles-
KAWAII: hai milos~kun, what's up
Milos: I'm Uhm-stares at the new look of kawaii- hi?
Potato:-rolls eyes- whatever-drags KAWAII away to food-
Travis: hey, who is that?-points at mysterious girl-
Fish:-holds his hand- I don't know...-sees Laurance and has an idea-YOU SHOULD GO TALK TO HER!!
Fish: yes remember what I said? Maybe love of your life will be at the funeral. That could be her
Laurance: but she's a stranger
Fish:-pushes him toward her-
Laurance:ugh fine-taps on mysterious girls shoulder-Uhm hello.
Girl: why hello, -pulls hoodie over head more- what's your name?
Laurance:l-laurance, yours?
Girl: call me Tawny, that isn't my real name but it'll do for now.
Laurance: oh well hello tawny. Would you like some coacoa?
Tawny(girl): sure-grabs food still not showing face-
Laurance: okay.-grabs drinks-
Tawny: you are really nice Laurance, know that?
Laurance: why thank you-gives drink- so how did you know Sophie?
Tawny: my mother was best friends with her mother, we were like sisters for most of our life until my mother got killed and I went to live with my aunt. It was tough considering she was the sister I always wanted-tear falls-
Laurance: well I'm sorry to hear that. It got better tho, right?
Tawny: well sort of, not the way I wanted it to but in a way.
Laurance: well if you need anything give me a call.-gives her his number, waves bye and walks off-
Laurance: I gave her my number
Fish: nice
Travis: yeah good job
Zane:-walks up to fish and them- hey have any of you seen potato? I better warn her that Milos and KAWAII are Uhm talking.
Fish: I think she went to the restroom
Zane: ok I guess I'll keep a watch on them then.-walk over to them-
Milos: hello.
Zane: hey Milos and KAWAII~chan.
KAWAII:Zane~agitated and goes back to conversation with Milos-
Zane: so how are you two today?
KAWAII: good, now can we have a conversation by ourselves?
Zane: ok ok...-walks off and still watches them-
Potato:-comes up behind Zane without him knowing and hugs him- back...
Zane: you scared me!
Potato: sorry.- stands next to him only to see Milos and KAWAIi smiling at each other- oh hell to the no-walks over there- hey can I see one of you for a second? Just one
Milos: ok I'll be right back-walks with potato- what do you need
Potato: what are you doing with my sister?
Milos: talking?
Potato: ok whatever don't think about making a move.-walks away-
Milos: ok-walks back to KAWAII-
Potato: I fixed it-to Zane-
Zane: you sure?
Potato: why do you say that?
Zane:that- points behind her she looks and sees Milos smirking and KAWAII is blushing-
Potato: oh my golden butter I just told him not to make a move-stomps over there and punches him in the arm- that's what you get- runs back to Zane and hides behind him-save me
Milos: whatever.
Zane:-chuckles- you're weird.
Potato: oh I know.
-funeral starts-
Laurance:-sees tawny and asks her to sit by him so she says yes-
Tawny:-whispers- thanks for saving me a seat...
Laurance:no problem
( potato and Zane sit together next to fish and Travis and behind them is Laurance and tawny in front is Milos and KAWAII)
Madron:-Comes up holding Charlie- thank you everyone for being here, it means a lot that you came. As you all know Sophie was my wife and Charlie's mom. Well it maybe traumatizing for everyone but let's take a second to realize who it's mainly traumatizing for.
Yes, it's Charlie, Charlie saw her dead before anyone else did.-keeps talking but it's focusing on Milos and KAWAII-
Milos: so KAWAII....
KAWAII: yes?
Milos: do you... Have a family at home by any chance?
KAWAII: just friends and potato~chan, why?
Milos: since my job let's me travel a lot maybe I can come with you guys back to where you came from.-scratches back of head-
KAWAII: yeah! You can be my neighbor. There is an empty house next to mine. I can't wait for you to meet Aphmau~senpai and garroth~kun and Aaron~kun and whoever else is there.
(Funeral is over and they are packing up the luggage)
Laurance:-talking to tawny- why don't you maybe come with us?
Tawny: I'd love too, but I have work here I need to take care off.
Laurance: too bad, I was looking forward to a boat trip with you.
Tawny: are you guys taking anyone from here by any chance?
Laurance: some guy named Milos
Tawny: I guess I could come. But warning I get sea sick easily.-bags just come out of nowhere and she gets on the boat(her face hasn't shown yet)-
Laurance: great! I'll tell Travis,
He's steering the ship.-walks over to Travis and tells him-
Travis: well great I'm thinking everyone is on so LETS SET SAIL
Zane: yep everyone is on
(Boat starts moving and the sun goes down)

Hey guys potato and I hope you like this part. It's like 1000 words so it's long compared to what I usually write. By the way Tawnyfur101 The mystery girl AKA Tawny. That isn't her real name in irl or the book but you know lets keep it anonymous since she is the mystery girl after all. Love you for reading this book! Remember go read Milos' story at TheRawrPlayer

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