The Date

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I dare potato and Zane to go on a double date with Aphmau and garroth at Olive Garden
-created by a friend
Potato:that's not too bad.-grabs some water and sits next to Zane-
Zane:you're kidding,right?-potato looks confused- Aphmau is crazy about Olive Garden.
Potato:that can't make this a bad date,right?
Zane:it depends, is the breadstick day the day we come?
Potato: I was thinking tomorrow
Zane:okay then we should be good.-sighs in relief and gets up- well I need to start heading home, it's getting late.-kisses her cheek and starts walking out the door-
Potato:ciao!!-when he leaves she calls Aphmau- hey aph!.....I was thinking about a double date....Olive Garden-she pulls the phone away from her head because Aphmau is screeching- ok ok I get it. Tomorrow at 5.......ok great.....ciao!-ends call- man she really does get crazy!
[changes to aphmau]
Aphmau:did we have to watch this?-cuddles garroth scared-
Garroth:-chuckles-it's not that scary-Aphmau hears a scream and jumps behind the couch/
Garroth:aph are you ok?-looks behind couch-
Aphmau:I'm g-g-good-she stands up and jumps back on the couch-
Garroth:you know the boys ar--
Levin:I had a nightmare-sits between garroth and aph looking scared-
Aphmau:ok come on I'll go tuck you in
Levin: I love you mommy but can daddy garrot tuck me in? Garroth and aph smile-
Garroth:of course little guy-he picks levin up and takes up to his room-
[while he does that]
Aphmau:-phone rings- hello......where.......EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!.......what time?....okay!!!.....bai!!!!!!-ends call and garroth runs downstairs-
Aphmau:nope!!-jumps in his arms-
Garroth:Olive Garden?
Aphmau:-kisses him and then nods-
Garroth: okay.....
[next day at potato 5 am]
-Charlie jumps on potato and potato wakes up-
Charlie:WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Potato:I'm awake I'm awake!-sits up and hugs Charlie-
Charlie:someone is downstairs cooking!
Potato:-smells food and gets up- do you know who?
Charlie:no. -hides behind-
Potato:-grabs zane's knife and walks downstairs quietly-
Charlie:I got this-both are on stairs not seen and she whispered-
Potato:-whisper- you sure?
Charlie:-whisper- yeah.-jumps down and pulls shadow sword out without potato noticing- WHO ARE YOU?
Laurence:-puts hands up- I-I-it's Laurence. The guy that comfort you when you're mom died.-Charlie holds sword to his neck- w
Charlie:why are you here!?
Laurance: i was making you two breakfast
Laurence:-turns into shadow knight and pins her down- to be nice and because next week is your birthday and I'll be out of town!
Charlie:oh.....-he lets her up and they put their weapons away-
Laurence:why hasn't potato Coke down?-they look at the stairs and she's asleep-(it's early can you blame her?)
Charlie:that's auntie for ya.-smiles- hey can I help with breakfast?
Laurence:sure-smiles and they go back to cooking-
Potato:-jumps up- IM UP IM UP what am I doing on the stairs? And with zane's knife? I'm going back to bed-walks upstairs to sleep-
Charlie and Laurence:-goes upstairs into potato's room and sees her sleeping-
Charlie:-jumps on potato- GOOD MORNING!
Potato:good morning!
Laurence:-holds food- I said be quiet!
Charlie: sorry....
Laurance:-gives plates to potato on bed food thing- we made both of you breakfast in bed since her birthday is coming up and I'll be out of town.
Potato:aw thank you Laurence.-eat eggs-
Laurence:-whispers to potato- there may be some shells in the eggs. Charlie insisted on making them
Potato:-laughs and pulls a shell out of her mouth- okay. Thank you, both of you.
[time skip to date cuz I'm lazy]
Potato:-sits at table- I wonder when Aphmau and garroth will be he--
Zane:and there she is.
-Aphmau and garroth come to the table and sit down-
Garroth:-whispers to zatato- don't worry I've talked to her about manners...
Potato:it's fine. I'm just surprised her of all people get so excited.
Zane:yeah because you totally don't get ga ga crazy over a particular place.-sarcasm-
Potato:oh really? Like where?
Zane:I can name at least 3
Potato:do so then
Zane:number 1 hot topic.-potato is about to squeal but holds it back- number 2 is bandito burrito
Potato:-stands up and bangs the table- I am SOO mad they changed bandito's name to Southern something.
Zane:and number 3 is Angels Island-potato bangs table trying to hold back her screeches-
Potato:oh yeah well I know what you're obsessed with.
Zane:and what is that?
Potato: Uhm.............I got nothing. You're a dark soul aren't you?
Zane: most people ask why you like me as much as you do.
Potato: you may be angry mad, but I'm crazy mad. Two mads make a cute couple, right? Well I mean why do you like me? I'm the opposite of you.
Garroth: because he knows the errors of his ways and thinks maybe you can change him.
Zane: he's making it sound like I don't love you. I do, but I also think what he thinks.
POTATO:Aphmau! Shut your mouth and sit down!
Aphmau:sorry.-sits down correctly- so I heard relationship talk. I think what Zane is trying to say is he loves you because he thinks maybe you can make him into a better person because you're such a good person and you bring out the best in people.
Garroth:exactly! You and fish, even though fish has way to many dares, (garroth's thought not mine. Love ya fish) got me and Aphmau together. You got me to get out of my shell and confess my love to her.
Aphmau:yeah and didn't you say Laurence and Charlie ma--
Zane:Laurence and Charlie what now?
Potato:oh Uhm, they just you know made me breakfast in bed. They made Charlie breakfast in bed too. Me and her snuggled while eating. He said it was for her because her birthday is next week and he'll be out of town. I think he's going to meteli to check on cadenza and her dad. She moved back since the incident with the horse(totally happened in mcd XD)
Zane:oh that's fine. Making sure he's not putting the moves on you-he looks angry and he smashes his drink on accident- oops.
Aphmau:I'll get wipes-she races there and back with wipes- here
Waitress:hello what you like to eat, Nya!
Aphmau:we would like some breadsticks please, wait you're Michi!!
Michi:yeah so? I need a job too, Nya!
Potato: I don't trust you. Uhm manager
Manager:-comes by- yes ma'am?
Potato:may we have a different waiter/waitress? This one tried to sell my friends. Several times.
Manager:my stars! If i had know. That I would t have hired her. Michi!
Michi:yes boss sir?
Manager:you're fired!/
Michi: fine! Who needs this job anyway! Nya! Michi out!-storms out-
To be continued..... Hey guys! Just so you know I'm having a character contest soon! All the information will be on the next part. All I will say right now is that two people will get chosen and that the two winners will be in the book!! This is a way of me fixing my writers block. The more people the more you can do! The reason I'm making this two parter is because it's running long. So yeah. Comment some dares and if you're interested in the contest please comment you're character once that part comes up. Ciao~

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