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-everyone sits on dock garroth and Aphmau sit side by side-
Potato: ok we have another note.
Zane:does it involve me?
Potato:-looks through it- yes TheRawrPlayer is wondering if you ship Someone and who?
Zane:I don't have to think
Potato: really?
Zane: laurmau
-laurance hears that and runs to dock sitting next to Aphmau-
Laurance and Aphmau: YOU DO!?
Garroth:-looks furious-what the hell!?
-laurance looks around and sees Aphmau and garroth and garroth puts his arm around Aphmau and kisses her cheek-
Laurance:-looks at Zane- why?
Zane: pft I don't want to see my brother happy.
Garroth: I hate you.
Zane: awe I hate you too
-wind blows-
Potato: -holds arm- I'm cold
Laurance:-covers potato with his jacket-
Potato: thanks?
Laurance: no problem.😊

A/n hai everyone! Hope you liked this little snip it. Thank you TheRawrPlayer for your truth you are the first truth so I'm giving you a second shoutout in the same part! That's a first

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