Boat trip part 3-fish's decision

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Last time on boat trip, laurance kissed potato making Zane punch him. Travis asked out fish. And Zatato said I love you for the first time!
Potato:-wakes up from nap- wow that was surprisingly relaxing.
-Zane knocks on the door and comes in with his eyes covered-
Zane: potato lunch is ready!
Potato:-walks up to Zane and uncovers his eyes- ok I'm going to get into some shorts more for the summer.
Zane:ok-winks and walks out-
Potato:-closes door and changes into shorts and tshirt and walks out seeing fish-
Fish:- has her thinking face🤔-
Potato: you okay?-looks concerned-
Fish: yeah. I just need to figure out my answer. Travis asked me out
Potato:-jumps- YES I ship it!! Trash forever!
Fish: no....-potato is looking sad- it would be TRISH-they hold hands and jump and down excited-
Potato: EEEEKK!!-runs up stairs and trips-
Zane:ARE YOU OKAY-smiles and pulls her up-
Potato: YES IM JUST SOO EXCITED-piles food on plate and stuffs face-
Laurance and Zane:-chuckle-
Zane:-gives him death glare and sits next to potato-
Potato: -mouth full- this is really good-puts more in mouth-
Zane: puts arm around her and smiles-
-fish comes up in something nice-
Fish: I'll have to come back to that food laters-walks to wheel and comes up behind Travis- hello
Travis:-jumps- oh hey it's you.-he smiles-
Fish: I decided....-she smiles-
Travis: that?-he looks excited/
Fish: I'll go on a date with you.-she hugs him and he hugs back-
Travis: score!-he blushes- I better keep steering
Fish:ok Bai-let's go and goes to get food-
Fish: yes!!!-grabs a lot of food and does the same thing as potato- yum
Potato:-stuffs mouth more- I know right!?
-the boat stops and they here Travis tell-
Travis: WE ARE HERE!!!

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