Wedding Part 3

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this moment on the formatting is changing to POV's. Sorry if that's confusing XD
Potato POV
I woke up and poked my head out of the room to look at the couch and I see Zane still asleep. I was looks for his shirt drawer and I found socks. In the socks I see a tiny box, and when my curiousity got the best of me I opened it. There was a beautiful diamond ring, in the shape of a heart. I can't believe he was going to propose, I'm not ready for marriage. I closed the drawer and made sure the ring was in there before jumping back on the bed and fall back asleep hoping this was a dream. When I wake up again, I get a text from fish saying "come here now! I have bad news...😞" I ran there as fast as I could without Zane noticing and got to her house. I opened the door and saw her crying and watching animes.
"What's wrong?" I sat by her and comforted her.
"I just found out Travis was cheating on me, with Katelyn and Lucinda!" I gasped in shock before turning red.
"IM GOING TO KILL HIM!" She stopped me by laying her head in my lap and sniffling.
"I don't want you to do that..." I nodded and pet her hair while watching tv. Once that was done she said I could go and she took a nap while I went over to finish wedding preparations.
"What do you mean you have no Cordelias?!.....THEN GET MORE.....IT CANT BE THAT HARD!......FINE THEY BETTER BE HERE BY TOMORROW!" Stupid flower shop employee. I go to Kawaii's house and hang out for a while.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom." I went into the bathroom and saw a open box, that said 'Pregnancy Test' my eyes widen and I see a pregnancy test in the trash. I stared at it for a while because it said it was positive. I can't believe everything is changing! I hate change! Why couldn't everything stay the way it is? I hurrily walked out of the bathroom and out the door of the house before saying anything and ran home.
Two more parts and this book is over! It's so sad, but there will be a sequel. Love you all and ciao~

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