Two in one

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potato:-gets note-
Aphmau:-gets note-
Potato:t-t-two notes??
Aphmau: hmm-reads- yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
Potato:-tries to read it but Aphmau pulls it away- what is it?
Aphmau: read yours first
Potato:-reads and fangirls- Uhm aphmau!! swimming10fish dared you and garroth to I think move in together. They said get a room so I'm guessing you two share a house!
-garroth comes over and hugs Aphmau from behind- hey Aphmau, what's up?-he kisses her cheek-
Aphmau: we are dared to share a house.
Garroth: G-great! H-h-how about yours? It's bigger and you have Levin and Malachi.
Aphmau: OKAY! Well we need to pack up some of your stuff whenever we finish this, ok?
Garroth: I'll start now-kisses her- bye! -leaves-
Potato: now yours
Aphmau: ok. The same person is wondering if you like anyone.
Potato:-blushes- well sort of. But I can't let it get in the way of my career
Aphmau: what career
Potato: PFT please
Aphmau: ok... Well who?
Potato: it's weird...
Aphmau: WHO!?
Potato: Zane. I mean Aaron and Travis are cute and all but I actually like Zane a lot.
Aphmau:-screeches- YESSSSS.
Potato: don't tell sister~chan
Aphmau: question: why does KAWAII~chan talk in third person and call me senpai, and you only do when you are around her?
Potato:...-turns around-
Aphmau: I'm sorry. That must be a sore subject.
Potato: it's ok. You didn't know.
Aphmau: ok well I need to go...
-aphmau's run off and starts helping garroth and tells him what happened-
Garroth: they like each other and they don't know?
Aphmau: yep and unless we get a dare for them it will never happen!
Garroth: Aphmau. Do whatever you have to do.
Aphmau: I will-kisses- you'll help right-grabs box and carries to house-
Garroth:of course-gets box and follows-
Aphmau:-puts box down- great!
-Malachi and levin are each holding a tiny box and putting
them down-
Levin: daddy can we go play?

A/N: hey guys sorry I didn't post yesterday. This is a two in one so it took a while plus I was really busy yesterday and today. Also this is before the Irene dimension just with the new characters from season 2. I really wanted Malachi and Levin to be younger. Comment some truths or dares to get a shoutout and your comment on a part. Love you potato army!

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