Wedding Part 4

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It's the day of the wedding and I'm so scared. In a couple hours I'll be married to the man of my life. I got in my dress and called all my bridesmaids in the room.
"Hey aph, you summoned us?" Potato smiled and the others giggled.
"You guys look beautiful!" I stared at the dresses and hair
"So do you!!" Cadenza said, Katelyn started tearing up.
"Are you crying Katelyn?"
"N-no a bug flew into my eye." She rubs her eyes and smiled.
"I got you this." Fish handed me a box and inside was a necklace that said "forever" in gold letters.
"Thank you so much!" I put it on and finished getting ready until it was time.
Potato's POV
The ceremony was beautiful. There was flowers hanging from the walls, a beautiful arch covered with plants, the two little boys standing behind the bridesmaids, and I can't forget the vows. Garroth's were wonderful, he said "aph, I've loved you since the day you came to this village and I will love you until the day I die. Today is the happiest day of my life and nothing can top it. Except maybe the day we have a kid of our own, wink wink. I love you" everyone laughed at the winks which he said while doing. Aph's were beautiful too though, she said "Garroth, I've loved you longer then I've known. When you told me your feelings i instantly was confident that I could have my happily ever after like the fairy tales. You are my Prince Charming, my knight and shining armor, you are my everything and I love you." Then there was the I do's and the kiss. After that we came here for the reception and I don't think Garroth or aph has eaten since we got here. They look a little loopy. Zane comes over to me and takes out a hand. "Can I dance with the most beautiful bridesmaid?" I nodded and we dance to the song. After that, I got cake and went home to pack. No one knows what's going on, except me and no one knows I know.
Sorry this was short, I will make it about the same length or longer next time. Ciao~

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