Boat Trip Part 4-Milos

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Last time on Boat trip
Fish said yes to Travis. Potato stuffed her face. Zane is still mad at Laurance. fish stuffed her face. And they got to land

Potato:-try's to smile but mouth is full of food-
Zane: I can't wait to get on land.
Laurance: yeah... I'll grab bags. Everyone else meet back here at sunset
Potato:-nods and grabs Zane pulling him off the boat- COME ON!!!
-everyone but laurance goes to dock to see so many people-
Potato: hey everybody! It's me, potato~Chan!!! My sister did not come with me but she baked you all some treats!-gives ppl cupcakes-
Fish: wow they really love those treats.
Potato: yep-still holding on to Zane- LETS GO-leads them out of crowd and into the square-
Travis: this place is weird.
Potato: it's a lot different. Maybe our old house still has our name on it!-looks at vacant home with sign saying "The Chan Household"
Potato: IT IS!!-runs inside and sits on old bed- god I missed this place
Zane: I can tell-smiles-
-a man KAWAII~chan's age walks toward house alarmed-
Travis: we have guests
Milos: who are you?
Potato: -doesn't look at him- allow me to explain-sees his face- you!-looks mad-
Zane: who is he?-holds potato-
Potato: milos....-rolls eyes-
Milos: oh wait... POTATO~CHAN!? you grew up! Last time I saw you you were 5... How's KAWAII~chan?
Potato: fine. No thanks to you
Fish: this is milos? Oh my goldfish
Zane: can you excuse me and potato for a moment?-he grabs her arm and takes her outside- potato who is milos?
Potato: he used to make fun of KAWAII~chan but she never saw it. She thought they were friends and We moved because I told her I was being bullied but really it was because of him.
Zane: oh wow. He seems okay now?
Potato: He will never ever be ok in my eyes.
-everyone comes outside-
Fish: she needs to cool off. I'll bring her back later-the girls walk off-
Zane: so what I hear is you used to make fun of KAWAII~chan?
Milos: it's complicated.... Really complicated.
Travis: how can that be complicated
Milos: never mind anyway I'm guessing you 4 are here for madron aren't you?
Zane: actually we are here for potato's parents.
Zane: what's so funny?-irritated-
Milos: she didn't tell you? -laughs more- that's hilarious you see not only is she adopted, her parents died a month after adopting her! -laughs-
Zane:-pins him down- so you're laughing because of her misfortune??
Milos:-takes out weapon- no I'm laughing about how little you know about her
-Zane let's him up and he walks away stopping when Zane speaks-
Zane: fine the girls are most likely over there lead the way
Milos:Really? That's... something new. Then again, I travel alone.-He looks into the distance for a moment, before showing the way-
(They walk toward the biggest house in the town)
-Zane sees potato through the glass and the doors open-

Hey guys milos is based off TheRawrPlayer dark leather jacket, white tshirt, jeans, and black boots is what he wears. He has white hair he's also somewhat tall with tannish skin. I hope you guys are liking this story and make sure to follow me, swimming10fish and TheRawrPlayer ! Love you potato army!!

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