The Wedding

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Zane:-mows lawn and gets a note- why do I get it? -reads it and eyes widen- oh no, I don't think I'm ready for this...
Aph:-sees him holding a note and grabs it reading it and laughing- YES! Do it do it
Zane:ugh ok-they walk to potato's-
Potato:-is playing on trampoline with Charlie- hey Zane and aph! Want to join us?
Aph:I'd love to-gets on trampoline-
Zane:potato come down
Potato:-gets down- yes?
Zane:-gulps- potato?-kneels down-
Zane: will you....
Potato:-blushing like crazy-
Zane: have a fake wedding with me?
Potato:-giggles- dare?
Zane:yep.-gets up and gives her a ring pop-
Potato: it's such a big ring!
Aph:-fake coughs- anything you want to ask?
Potato:of course.-picks up Charlie- will you be the pretend flower girl?
Aph:any for me?
Potato:oh yeah. Can you plan it and be a bridesmaid.
Aph:sure!-Runs off to plan-
Zane:you are really treating this like a wedding-scratches back of neck-
Potato:well, if it's fake might as well make it nice!
[hours later everyone is dressed and ready and fish is maid of honor, garroth is best man.]
Cadenza:ready potato?
Potato:yes-walks out dressed- this is such a pretty dress cadenza! Thanks for making it.
Cadenza:oh no problem, now it's time to get fake hitched!-she runs to get a seat and it starts-
Charlie:-throws petals and accidentally threw a whole flower at someone's face- oopsie!
-potato walks down aisle-
Potato:-gets up there- lets get this over with.
Zane:well that's so sweet.
Potato:sorry but this is itchy.-scratches back-
Barry:hello everyone! I'm the fake priest for this wedding and we are gathered for the pretend matrimony of the ship zatato. Any objections? No? Great! Ok I'm gonna cut to the chase. Do you potato, take Zane as your pretend husband?
Potato:I do
Barry:and do you Zane, take potato as your pretend wiafu?
Zane: I'm assuming that means wife so I do.
Barry:you are now fake married, you may now stay a safe distance from the bride-whispers- wait until the fake honeymoon>:)
Potato:-punches Barry in the shoulder- shut up it ends here.
Hello this dare today was brought to you by JohannaHernandez964 thank you so much for this dare and may there be more to come. Comment down below a dare or truth to get a shout out and a part with the truth or dare!

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