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Aphmau:-gets note- truth. -reads it and walks to zane's house-
Zane: -turns around- what are you doing here?
Aphmau: I got a truth for you.
Zane: what is it?
Aphmau: who do you like?
Zane:-turns around and sits on couch- no one...
Aphmau: are you sure?
Zane: yes
Aphmau: look me in my eyes and tell me you don't like anyone.
Zane:- looks at her- fine.
Aphmau: who then?
Zane: the devil...
Aphmau: wait. Do you mean Potato~Chan?
Zane: yes...-turns around and plays video games-
Aphmau:-smiles wide- YAY!!! Wait.
Zane: what?
Aphmau: then why do you ship every girl with laurance?
Zane: I don't want my brother being happy and it be weird to ship her with myself.
Aphmau: OH MY GOD!!!-gets in front of the tv and turns it off-
Zane: please stop
Aphmau: and if you get married it will be ZATATO~CHAN. You will take her last name right?
Zane: woh woh woh. That's her last name?
Aphmau: did you know that?
Zane: does that mean....
Zane: STOP IT!!
Aphmau:-shrinks down and backs up- ok ok...
Zane: don't tell anyone. Now please get out.
Aphmau: bye-leaves and writes a letter-
Dear Potato Army, if you ship Zatato then comment some dares that can get them together! Sure, KAWAII~chan will be upset her little sister is being shipped with Zane but its just for fun. It probably won't even happen. Unless there is a good enough dare to get them fall in love!
Sincerely, aphmoo

A/n: hey guys! Potato here and my friend made this truth but her comment got deleted somehow. So she texted me the truth instead. This is a part for fun. If you read the explanations then you know a friend helped me with that. It's the same friend. Keep reading and stay tuned because I'll post one real part once a day and maybe two parts but one of them will be an authors note like the last one. Thank you for the support and all the reads! I love you my potato army!

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